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This instagram account still exists and you can still follow!(:

Hello everyone! Long time no see, huh? Sorry I've been so absent, one of my best friends has moved into my house and is staying permanently, so I've been busy, as you can imagine! Nonetheless, I'm excited and mostly prepared for The Way We Live Now.

So, the main point of this update is to inform you all of a new thing that I made. It's on Instagram, and I'm aware a lot of you don't have Instagram, but I recommend getting it if you're really invested in this story.

I've made an Instagram account strictly for this book series. It's very important, in my opinion, although I guess that's up to you. All extra information is already posted on the account, so I won't go too far into it. One thing I'll say, though, is that I plan to make a live on the thirtieth, the day TWWLN is released. There will be so much to talk about, and I think it would be so much fun.

Of course, in order to watch this live, you have to be following the account. It is private to ensure random people don't follow!

The account username is: wumseries

I also won't accept you unless you DM me. But, again, to ensure no random person follows, I want you to DM me and say whatever but make sure at some point you say:
I love granola bars.

Keep the granola bar meme alive😂 Follow these steps and I'll let you follow!

And lastly, you may not want to follow the account if you haven't finished all books to completion. And once TWWLN is published, you should be careful about what posts you look at, in case I spoil anything.

That's basically it! I know a lot of you will think this is dumb but I think this could be loads of fun. I think it's worth making an Instagram for, even, but again, not my decision to make.

Anyway, I love you all so much. You'd make me so happy by going along with this, and that's all I'll say. Get ready for TWWLN, only six days left!! I'm incredibly excited.

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