Forty Five

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I'm sorry this is kind of late; writer's block.


I sat at my desk, Jerry across from me. He took a deep breathe, then pulled papers out of the file he was holding. He called before stopping by and said only one of the blood types matched, which made me nervous. Someone with AB blood that's never been to the hospital, but also was bleeding in the woods. I have a good idea of who it is. If the DNA matches, that is.

He set the papers in front of me, letting me compare. I looked down at the papers, carefully comparing the samples. It didn't take me long to let out my own sigh, rubbing my eyes from stress.

"Who is it?" he asked, obviously noticing my reaction.

"Uh, her name is El. She's Joyce's...foster daughter, you could say. She went missing, as well," I spoke gruffly, my voice a bit quieter than before. He gave me a look of pity and stood up slowly.

"I have to get back to work. I hope you find these girls, Chief," Jerry said goodbye, and I stood up to shake his hand.

"I will. Thank you, Jerry, I wouldn't have been able to do this without you," I breathed out, giving a small smile. He nodded, then picked up his things and left. I waited a minute, contemplating my next move, and ended up leaving the building. I got into my car, and hurried down the familiar road.

If it's Eleven's blood, she's been in those woods. I don't know why, but I have a feeling Hawkins Lab is once again behind it. I saw them getting into vans that one night last month, only a few minutes before Eleven was taken. It can't hurt to check, even though I'm not sure why they'd want her.

I arrived quickly, realizing I was accidentally speeding the whole way here. I need to pay more attention, I zone out often when I'm thinking about all of this stuff.

I pulled up to the same place as last time I was here, looking out to see it was still Patrick in the window. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Chief, nice to see you again," he greeted sarcastically, and I gave him a hard look.

"Who's in charge here now?" I asked, and he sighed.

"Her name is Nora, what do you need this time?" He asked, shifting from one foot to the other. He looked annoyed, and I'm honestly glad. He's getting on my nerves, as well.

"To talk to her, ask her a question. Just a calm discussion," I stated simply, and he rolled his eyes a bit, picking up his radio. He talked to someone for a minute, then gave me a skeptical look.

"Go ahead," he sighed again, giving me clearance. I thanked him, driving further in and then parking. I hurried to the door, and was met with a short, blonde woman.

"Hello, Chief, I'm Savannah. Follow me, please," she greeted in an overly sweet tone, and I only nodded. I followed her inside, and down a few halls. I was eventually lead into a small business room, where another woman sat. This must be Nora.

"Oh, hello, have a seat," she ordered, and I figured it was best not to cross her. I sat down quickly, and she smiled at me. "Patrick tells me you have a question," she states, and I watched as Savannah went to sit next to her.

"Yes, it's about Eleven," I stated, figuring she knows who I'm talking about.

"Oh, Eleven, what a lovely girl she was," Nora gushed a bit, and I gave her a confused look.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand. Was?" I asked in a slightly frantic voice. Nora ignored me, though.

"What about her?" she ordered again, her voice getting progressively more impatient. Her eyes seemed to pass right through me, which made me feel very uneasy.

"Is she-or was she-here? Since you started working here, that is," I asked, and she nodded, starting to gather her papers.

"She was, yes, not anymore." She smiled falsely at me, starting to stand up.

"Why do you keep saying was?" I asked loudly, and she began to walk around the table and towards the door.

"Because she's gone," Nora stated simply, and I let out a nervous laugh and stopped her from leaving.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" I asked frantically, and she turned to look at me with dull eyes.

"She's dead. Good afternoon, Chief."


edit, 6-21-19: Fun fact ! Nora and Savannah are characters based on real people I knew. They were huge fans of the books so I offered to put them in. And now I'm sad again cuz I don't talk to either of them anymore—

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