Character Ask pt.2

865 27 213

Hola amigos, what's happening?? How are you doing today? I'm genuinely curious!

Well, I assume you're wondering about the title of the chapter. Although, maybe you're not, considering it's pretty obvious as to what it is...

Anyway, I'm doing another Character Ask! I did one a while back, when I hit 15k on Wake Up, Mike(actually crying over the progress it's made), and I wanted to do another one! An entire new story of material has been put in front of you, which leaves room for dozens more questions. I think this could be fun! Especially since you'll get to ask the girls questions, along with other people, that you didn't get to know much about. You only know what other characters told you about them, so this is your chance to get answers about them. This is your chance to get answers in general, from the characters themselves!

Also, as you all may know, I like to do these things as a celebration, more so than a random event. I'm uploading this Character Ask in celebration of 40,000 reads on Wake Up, Mike. Forty THOUSAND. That's absolutely insane, thank you all so much. I can't even fathom how many people that is, it completely blows my mind. It always will. I love you all so damn much, thank you!

Now I don't want to ramble much, so I'll get on to the small set of directions I have. Or, the info I have, more so. It's VERY important, so please don't skip it.

First of all, I'll be sorting the names on importance, same as last time. You'll see what I mean when you get to the names!

Next, I need you to comment ON THE NAMES. If you comment a normal comment, I will not answer the question. I'm sorry, it's just too confusing, so please select the specific name and comment your question there. It also allows you to address the character directly, so it feels like you're actually talking to them!

Also, as to number of comments, comment as many as you want! Last time I did a character ask, I sat down and answered every single question in one sitting. It took me over an hour, but I loved it! I love doing this kind of thing, so please, comment away! As many questions as you'd like!

And lastly, comment on anyone that you have questions for. You don't have to comment on every single person, but definitely ask any questions that come to mind! And if you think of more questions after you've already commented some, come back and comment those new ones! It's never too late to ask a question.

Ok, I'll get to listing the names now! And please comment, even if it's only one question. Every one counts!

Main Characters









Minor Characters














Jason(Max's Dad&The one that kidnapped El)

Very Minor Characters


Mrs. Reid(Max's Mom)

Mr. Sinclair

Mrs. Sinclair

Nora(New Hawkins Lab owner)


And Lastly...

Me, the writer(:

Ok, I think that's it! If I did miss anyone(99% sure I didn't but just to be safe), please comment! I'll add them in asap.

Guys this is seriously making me so excited. There's nothing I love more than interacting with all of you, and I think this is a great way! I can interact with you, but we're also interacting with the characters. It's so involving, and I love it for that exact reason.

I'm not sure when I'll be releasing the answers, but probably once the questions have died down a bunch. I'll also be tagging you on the questions you asked, so don't worry about missing it!

That's it, everyone, I'm done rambling. I just want to thank you one more time for everything. Not only for 40k on WUM, along with 39k on TGWP, but for everything. Every vote, comment, and interaction. It all means more to me than you'll ever know, so thank you. I love you all deeply, from the bottom of my heart. You're my Wattpad family, and I'll never stop loving you.

Enjoy all that there was and all that there is to come!

edit, 7-4-19: 40k? I'm not crying, you're crying.
This all stands. Thank you so much.
And I'm only putting this chapter back up cuz y'know I feel like it anyway-
If you have new questions, ask them in the next chapter please(:

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