Seventy Eight

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Hey guys! Sorry, I'm not proof reading tonight. I wanna get this out asap! Love you all so much, enjoy!(:

edit, 7-4-19: This chapter is uwu


I laughed loudly, shoving Max roughly. She joined in, stumbling to the side before pushing me back.

"It's true! I'm not being mean, it's just a fact. Something I noticed." She stifled more laughter, and I shook my head.

"You're awful," I commented, and she scoffed.

"I can't help it if Will hasn't fully moved on yet." She shrugged, and I forced a smile away.

"But you can help reading his thoughts."

"Oh, Mike, I didn't read his mind. He doesn't hide his shame." She chuckled, walking in ahead of me. I rolled my eyes, following her inside. Apparently, Will was looking at my butt, but I don't believe her. He's not like that, never has been. I think she's just messing with me, which wouldn't be much of a surprise.

Once inside, I headed towards the living room, hearing El's quiet voice as I neared. I turned the corner, seeing my mom, Holly, and El sitting on the couch. Max plopped lazily down in the La-Z-Boy, which was suitable. El looked up at me, and I noticed how her hair was now in a loose ponytail. It made her look even cuter, if that's possible at this point.

"Mike! Guess what?" El nearly squealed, very excited over something. I smiled, walking over and sitting next to her. She turned to face me, her eyes sparkling. "I tried candy! Mom let me try some, and I also finally got to have that pudding stuff that Dustin loves! They were really good, I can see why you all love them," she spoke so fast and louder than normal, obviously passionate about this candy she tried.

"That's awesome, El, I'm glad you liked it. Dustin hoards snacks so you'll get to try a lot more. We can ask him later! He'll want you to try Nutty Bars," I explained slowly, and she smiled wide, nodding enthusiastically. I heard Max laugh a little.

"Only if he leaves some for her. He promised me a Nutty Bar once and ate it before he left the house. I got him back, though." She laughed, and we laughed along.

"Both you and Dustin have an unhealthy obsession with food," I commented, and she nodded.

"We do. But it's fine, it makes for great bonding."

"Bonding over food?" I stifled laughter.

"You bet!" She laughed, and I nodded thoughtfully.

"Alright, you guys seem to be having fun. Holly and I are going back out to buy her some new shoes for school," my mom explained, and we all replied with hums of acknowledgment. She laughed, walking to the door and getting ready before leaving. I immediately turned to Max with a determined expression. She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, sitting up and leaning on her thighs with her forearms.

"What are you thinking?" she asked, and I frowned, glancing at El, who looked worried.

"How do you get fake documents like yours? Mainly a birth certificate?" I asked slowly, and she got a blank face.

"Well, it's really hard. Billy is the one who got me one, so I'm not sure I'd be able to get one. I can try, I know El needs one," she spoke slowly, but firmly. El still looked confused, so I turned to her.

"When Will's mom adopts you, you'd need a birth certificate. It's basically just a paper that has your name and birth date on it. It makes it so people know who you are, I guess. Something like that," I tried to explain, hoping I didn't confuse her even more. She nodded briefly, so I slowly turned back to Max.

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