Seventy Three

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I'm sorry guys, I know it's annoying, but I'm not gonna proof read again. I just don't have the mental energy.
Enjoy Mileven feels. Also, the shirt Mike mentions is the same shirt and sweater that Nancy wore with that red coat. I'll just put a picture! Oh you've already seen it cuz you see the picture before you read. I love when I'm lame and dumb woo


I peeled my eyes open, literally speaking. That was the best sleep I've had in months, and I've never appreciated it as much as I should have. Sleep is one of the many blessings to ever exist.

Once I had my eyes open, they immediately shifted down to examine the brown hair resting right under my chin. I hugged her closer to me, feeling her radiating warmth even more than before. I closed my eyes again to fully take everything in.

Last time I had this feeling, I had her for about another week. Then she was gone. And I went through the worst few months of my entire life. I don't want to do that again. I'd do anything to save both myself and her from another heartbreak. I was in pain, yeah, but she was put through hell and I know she couldn't do it again. Adrianna said things aren't over, and I know that, but the one thing that is different is her safety. And my actions. Things may go bad again, but she will not be in harms way. I'd risk everything for her, do anything to keep her safe. I'd die for her. I'd kill for her.

I sighed deeply, opening my eyes back up to look at her again. I know she needs more sleep, but I want to get up and talk to my mom. Considering how much of a dead weight she is right now, I'm assuming she's in a very deep sleep. I might not wake her if I'm careful.

That being said, I slowly lifted her arm and slid out from under her, placing her arm lightly on the bed again. She stirred, but didn't wake up. I looked at her for a second and couldn't help but smile so much, I could feel my cheeks cramping up. I pulled the blanket up over her, then slowly crept out of my room and down the stairs. Once downstairs, I saw my mom in the kitchen, just hanging up the phone.

"Who was it?" I asked, and she looked over at me, a bit startled, then smiled.

"Oh, I just got off the phone with Ms. Byers. She's overjoyed and excited to take El back in!" she cheered, making me stop dead in the middle of the kitchen. She looked at me with confused features, annoying me more. "Michael, what is it?"

"What? Mom, no, she's staying here," I said simply, and she shook her head. She started to speak, but I turned to face her and cut her off. "No, listen. She's staying here and she's never leaving my side again," I demanded, my voice beyond defensive. She sighed and looked sad, almost.

"Mike, I can firmly say that I consider her my daughter, and I don't want her to leave. But she has to leave," she spoke lightly, like she was breaking news to me.

"Why? I don't understand," I whispered, and she made me sit down. She sat next to me, and looked deep in thought.

"This will be sort of hard and awkward to explain," she started, and I just nodded. She breathed in deep, then surprised me a bit. "You love her. I can tell you'll be together for many years to come, maybe even forever. I see that deep of a bond in you two. She feels pain, you feel pain. You're in love. As a mom, that does bother me a bit, especially since you're only thirteen. But I'd never tell you to do anything. If you love her, I won't hold you back.

"But, because of that, she cannot live here. El is such a sweet girl, and I want her to have a home. I want her to have proper parents, and to be loved. I want her to be adopted by someone, and I know you also want that. I could provide a home for her, and I could adopt her. I could be her legal mother, but that would not be normal. To have my son date my adopted daughter? Michael, you have to understand where I'm coming from," she ended, and I looked at her with big eyes. I nodded slowly, and it was obvious that I was still not fully caught on. "It is legal, Mike, but it's not normal. You'd basically be dating your sister, just not your biological sister."

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