Twenty Four

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I rode to school quickly, as always. I get nervous now, so I ride to school a lot faster than I used to. I miss riding to school with Mike, even though I had to watch him be all cute with El. It was better than nothing.

I got to school and spotted Mike, sitting in the snow, staring at the ground. The others were standing by the school, looking at him and whispering to each other. My eyebrows furrowed on instinct as I climbed off my bike and walked towards Mike.

"Mike, you good?" I spoke hesitantly, and he looked up at me with big eyes. He jumped up, literally enveloping me in a hug. I stood there, shocked beyond belief, and made eye contact with everyone else. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, and I felt his body shaking a bit. "Are you crying?"

He only buried his head into my shoulder further, and I got my answer when I felt how wet his face is. I didn't say anything, I just let him cry. He eventually calmed down, and I heard the bell ring. I looked over and Dustin and Lucas were motioning me towards the school. I shook my head at them, and I saw them nod slowly.

"Hey, let's sit down," I spoke lightly, and he pulled away slowly. He lowered himself to the ground, hugging his legs to his chest as tears still rolled silently down his cheeks. "What's wrong, Mike?" I asked, sitting in front of him. He shook his head, crying harder again.

"My dream, I had another nightmare. But El wasn't in it, it was you. I watched you die," he blubbered out, and my eyes widened, but he continued on. "And it was Max who killed you, and she challenged me to a game of some sort. She just killed you right in front of me, and I couldn't stop her."

"Mike, calm down, listen," I hushed him, scooting closer to him. "I'm alive, yeah? Right in front of you, right now. I'm here, I'm not dead." He looked at me with red, puffy eyes and I just felt so much worse. "Max killed me?" I whispered, and he nodded slowly. His face contorted again, and he looked down at the ground. I could see his tears hitting the snow, which only made me more sad.

"You know, she kept talking about El. And she was calling her Eleven, and she was copying my thoughts exactly. And then she was using powers like El has..." he trailed off, and I shook my head a bit.

"Mike, it was only a dream. Don't let it freak you out too much," I stated simply, but he shook his head.

"This was different, Will. It wasn't a regular nightmare, it was..."

"Mike, calm down. Do you want to go home? Or to my house? I don't think it's a good time for you to be at school," I spoke slowly, and he just nodded. I helped him up, noticing how his pants are absolutely soaked in the back from the snow. That must be uncomfortable, I'll remind him to change when we get back.

He climbed on his bike, drying his eyes more so he could see. I lead the way, making sure he found his way correctly. I just went straight to his house, considering it's a lot closer. And there's a chance my mom is at my house, which wouldn't blow over well.

We got to his house, and he slowly climbed off of his bike. He was dragging his feet slightly, and I didn't know how to help. He's hurting in so many ways, and I can't help him, there's truly nothing I can do.

He unlocked the door and we went inside, taking off our coats and shoes. I looked over at him and he was just standing there.

"Hey Mike, you should go change, your pants are soaked," I offered, and he just nodded shortly. He went up the stairs slowly, and I didn't try to follow. He needs privacy.

I went into his kitchen and started to boil water. I feel like a housewife whenever I do this, but he really loves warm drinks and they always make him feel better. I'm happy to make him one if it'll help him.

I poured everything together and let it sit. What's taking him so long? It's been almost ten minutes now...


I'm sorry for the ending, but I love you all so much and I hope you still enjoyed💝

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