Fifty Seven

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Mike and Lucas are friendship goals.


I've been riding around for almost an hour, I've gone almost everywhere. He's nowhere, I can't find him. The last place to look is the woods, and I'm scared to look through there.

Nonetheless, I rode to the edge of the trees and laid my bike down slowly. I looked around wearily, but had no choice but to enter the woods and search around. At first, I saw nothing but melting snow and endless trees. It wasn't long before I spotted tire tracks from a bike. They were through some of the remaining snow, and they were prominent. I looked around with squinted eyes, not sure why he would ride through the woods. I guess he was riding on a path, but it still doesn't make sense.

I stood up straight, beginning to follow the tracks as thoroughly as possible. The snow is only on some parts of the path, so I had to be careful I didn't make a wrong turn. It was hard, but I managed. I followed for a long time, soon realizing where this is heading. I no longer had to follow the tracks, I just ran ahead as fast as possible. I came out of the trees and onto the road, continuing to run at full speed.

I rounded a corner and immediately spotted Mike, laying on the ground. A big part of me was filled with a wave of relief, and then the rest was just confused. He's here, he didn't jump. But what is he doing here, just laying on the ground?

I continued to run, my legs starting to hurt. I reached him quickly, and he wasn't awake. My eyebrows furrowed as I leaned down and started shaking him vigorously.

"Mike?" I spoke loudly, shaking him more. "Wake up, Mike." He started to stir when I said that, and his eyes shot open, nearly startling me. He looked at me, obviously processing who I was and where he is. He deflated, his face going normal and his eyes losing the tiny spark I saw.

"Lucas? What're you doing here?" he asked, slowly sitting up. He was covered in dirt and gravel, so I started brushing it off of his back.

"What am I doing here? Mike, you were basically passed out only three feet from a cliff. What are you doing here?" I continued patting the dust off, and he just continued to look confused.

"You looked for me? You cared?" he asked, still looking really zoned out and out of it. I'm not sure what happened before I got here, but it probably wasn't good.

"Well, basically, I was worried about you so I was leaving to look for you. Will picked a fight, though. C'mon, let's get you home," I encouraged, helping him stand up. He's been so mentally drained lately, it makes him physically weak. Especially right now.

We walked all the way to my bike with him walking slowly, which must've taken us like twenty minutes. I was patient, I didn't want him to rush. By the time we got to my bike, he looked ready to pass out again.

"Mike, do you want to ride on my bike?" I offered, watching him sway in his step a bit. He looked up at me with cautious and worried eyes, but slowly nodded. He walked forward, so I climbed onto my bike and made sure he had room. We were both a little awkward about it as he climbed on behind me, but he didn't necessarily keep his distance.

I was about to start pedaling when he leaned against me, literally hugging me from behind. It startles me, but I know he's just in need of comfort and love, so I go with it. I just want him to feel at least decently ok for once.

I ride down the road, which isn't too long of a ride. He seemed to progressively put more weight on me as we rode, making me frown. He really isn't ok, he's weak and getting worse.

When we reached his house, I allowed him to climb off, which seemed to take years. It didn't bother me, though, I just tried to be as patient as possible. Once he was off, I swung my leg around and got off quickly, putting my kickstand up. I followed him to the door, and he unlocked it slowly. We entered, and the house was empty, as expected.

"What do you want me to tell your mom when she gets home?" I asked, and he shrugged a bit. He walked into his living room and immediately laid down on the couch. I slowly followed, sitting in the chair next to the couch. I watched him slowly fall asleep, and I didn't try to stop him.

I sat and waited, going over everything in my head, and I've honestly never been more jumbled in my life.


Lamest ending ever sorry lol but Wednesday's chapter is gonna be amazing.

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