Thirty Four

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Dat is me^ Merry Christmas Eve!🖤

edit, 6-21-19: Woah throwback with that photo. Also throwback to Christmas of 2016 wowowow


I don't know what made me do it, but I turned my bike around and rode back in the direction of the store. I know I shouldn't, but there's just something telling me I have to tell someone. And the only person I can think to tell is Will.

When I approached the store, I was insanely slow at first. But I saw that she was nowhere in sight, and I hurried forward. The streets were empty, it was pitch black out, and I honestly didn't know how to feel. Scared? Anxious? Determined?

I biked quickly, arriving at Will's in only a few more minutes. I hadn't planned this out, but I don't think that's a problem right now.

I walked up to his window quickly, trying to open it, but it was locked. I knocked, trying not to be too loud, but also loud enough for him to wake up. It took a few knocks, but I eventually saw him sitting up. He looked over, and I waved frantically. He jumped up, running over to open his window.

"Mike? What're you doing here?" he asked with a groggy voice, his eyes still lidded from just waking up.

I didn't answer, I just threw my bag inside and slowly climbed through the window. He looked at me like I was insane, but also like I was some bad boy and he was swooning.

"I need to tell you something," I started, turning to close the window. I then turned to him, and he still looked confused. "But you can't tell anyone, ok? No one, not even Jonathan. Not even the guys," I ordered, and he nodded firmly.

"Yeah, I promise I won't." He continued to nod, and I nodded back slowly.

"So...I was out, don't ask why, and I passed the small store that's on the way here. I saw Max, so I stopped and all that. Some stuff happened, and then I thought I saw something on her arm so I pushed her sleeve up and it said ten. Just like El's arm," I rushed out, and he gave me wide eyes.

"No way. Why would she have a ten?" he asked, and I nodded.

"That's what I wanted to tell you most! She has the same power as El, telekinesis, but she also has telepathy!" I sounded almost excited, but I'm not. He still looked confused, and he was about to reply when there were loud knocks on his front door. We both froze, and I was already preparing to admit defeat and let her kill me.



I'm laying in my bed, it's been almost an hour since I went to the bathroom. I'm not sure why, but I just have this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I turned around, laying on my other side. I looked out my window, at the moon, just trying to figure out what's wrong. But I stopped focusing on my thoughts, focusing more on the window, and immediately noticed the lock was unlocked. Didn't I lock that?

I stood up, walking over to it and looking at it. Every night at the same time, I make sure my window is locked. Before I go into the bathroom to get ready for bed, I double check. I'm positive my window was locked, because I remember locking it. Why is it unlocked now?

I stared at it some more before the realization dawned on me. I left my room, going into Mike's immediately. He's not there, figures. But I looked around a bit more, and not even his backpack is in the room. That's how you know he snuck out.

I went back into my room and changed quickly. I then snuck out of my window, as well, almost falling off the roof. I got in my car and started it, praying my parents don't hear it and wake up.

I drove past both Lucas and Dustin's houses, making sure his bike wasn't in the yard or driveway. I then sped to Jonathan's, praying that he's there. I'll panic if he's not.

I got there and immediately noticed his bike sitting in front of Will's window. Of course he's here, he's snuck here before. That was in that few days when El was here, though, so it made sense.

I ran to the door and knocked loudly, not really caring who I woke up. I stood anxiously, and it seemed like forever before the door opened. I came face to face with a very sleepy Jonathan, and his face contorted in confusion.

"Nance? What're you doing here?" he asked, but I just stepped inside and already started walking towards the hall.

"Mike is here, he snuck out. I need to get him," I explained, then disappeared around the corner. I walked up to Will's door, then started to doubt my decision. Do I knock? I know that sounds kind of dumb, but I don't know why Mike came over here. Maybe he came for a very unlikely reason and I'm interrupting their beautiful moment?

Against my better judgement, I pushed the door open and saw them standing near the window, in front of Will's desk. They just looked at me, and Mike looked almost relieved.

"Nancy?" He breathed out, and I looked at him like he was insane.

"Yeah, Mike, it's me! You snuck out through my window? Are you insane?" I practically yelled, and he glanced at Will before picking up his backpack and walking towards me.

"See you tomorrow, Will." He waved, a small smile on his lips. Will returned the same smile, almost like they were hiding something and wanted to rub it in my face. Or like they like each other, but I doubt that.

I walked Mike down the hall and to the door, noticing that Jonathan was standing in the same exact place as before. He still looked just as confused, as well, and I smiled fondly.

"Get some sleep, love." I chuckled, patting his arm lightly before leading Mike out of the house. Jonathan closed the door, and I heard it lock behind us.

We headed home, and I found a way for both of us to get back up onto the roof. That took moving a giant flower pot, so I hope Mom doesn't notice and question us.

We climbed through the window, and he immediately left and went into his room. I changed back into my pajamas and climbed back in bed.

I never asked him why he snuck out.


This is shitty, but Wattpad deleted more than half of this chapter so I had to rewrite all of it in less than thirty minutes. I'm not proof reading, I'm sorry if there were any mistakes.
Merry Christmas Eve everyone!♥️🎄❄️

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