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Steph's P.O.V

"Wow it's already christmas holidays, I can't believe I'm 6 months pregnant already too" I said to rob as we were out christmas shopping. "I know, oh I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere for christmas rather than sticking around here?" Rob asked. "Oh! can we go to Canada?" I asked excitedly. I had only been to canada a few times but everyone says its really cold and they get lots of snow. 

"Okay I know some friends out there, maybe we can stay with them for a week." He suggested. "Yay! I hope we get to build a snowman." I pratically screamed. He chuckled and grabbed something off the shelf...I  think... I wasn't too sure. Oh well "I'm going to Canada, I'm going to Canada!" I thought to myself. 

Rob's P.O.V

While steph and I were walking down one of the isle, I saw this perfect little necklace in a little box with a ring in the middle. We were about to walk past it but I quickly grabbed it and hoped steph didn't see it.  

We were almost like little kids as we walked through the store only I had lots of money so we could get basically everything. We had decided to turn the shed in my backyard into a room for us to well..."have some fun."  So we got lots of stuff to put in there especially the bed, can't forget that. Of course I knew we wouldn't get to use it much well Steph is pregnant and once the baby is born. 

"So are we done for the day?" I asked Steph when I got back from calling my friends in canada. "Yes we are, did you get us a place to stay?" She asked. "Sure did. We are going out in two days. our flight leaves at ten." I explained. "Alright lets get this stuff home then." 

We had taken the limo so we put the small stuff in the trunk and the rest in the back with us.

*two days later*

Steph's P.O.V

"you ready steph?" Rob asked from the front door. "Yeah!" I yelled down at him and grabbed my coat then headed downstairs. "I can't believe we got that shed done in two days" I exclaimed. "Well hey I was excited to see it." Rob smiled. I laughed and we both headed out the door to the limo. We had basically everything wrapped or put away over the last two days.  We even took some time to have a make out session well we were at it. you gotta enjoy life sometimes you know.

"Rob i'm going to sleep on the flight so make sure you wake me up when we get there baby" I said as we found our seats in first class. He smiled and nodded. I didn't try to sleep until the plane was about to take off. I leaned my head over on rob with the pillow they had given us and slowly drifted off. 

I opened my eyes slightly and could hear mumbled noises. When I finally opened them all the way I could hear screams from all around me. Rob was looking at me freightened and was holding on tightly to me and the seat. My heart began to race and I quickly looked around. I could feel the plane tilting down beneath me. I looked out the window and could see the water that surrounded us. "Why me?" I thought to myself. I always end up in a plane crash. 

I was suddenly even more scared when I heard Rob yelling my name. I could feel myself ready to pass out and his voice became mumbles.

Seconds later I opened my eyes and jumped almost out of my seat. I looked around and the plane was calm no one was screaming. "Steph are you okay?" I heard rob say softly beside me. I looked at him and could feel my heart rate slow down when I realized it was all just a dream.

"Ya just a bad dream." I said and gave him a small smile. "Well we're here so no more bad dreams on planes today." Rob assured me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

We headed out of the airport and looked for a sign with Rob's name on it. We walked over to a family and said hello. 

"Steph this is Dave, Dorothy and Kaitlyn. Guys this is my wife Stephanie." We all greeted eachother. The man was bald but had somme hair showing, he was wearing a black jacket with a little camo on it and a pair of jeans with camo shoes. His wife has hair about down to her shoulders a blond-ish colour you could tell it was died, she was wearing a full camo coat with jeans and pruple shoes. Their daughter has more of a light brown hair colour a few inches below her shoulders. She had on a purple coat light blue jeans and mocasins. You would almost think she wasn't related but then I saw the camo hat in her hand.

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