Its my turn

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Declans P.O.V

"aaaahhhhhh!" i screamed in agonizing pain and seconds later they burst through the door. the guards ran over to me to cover my mouth. i bit his hand and lifted mine punching him in the jaw then turning to see rob hitting the other man.

*moments before*

i sat for a while thinking of ways to get us all out of this mess.

i looked around the room and saw a knife up on a shelf that looked low enough for me to reach. i looked towards the door and saw the shadows of two men on the other side. i looked around some more and saw a gun on the far side of the room. "idiots why would they just leave a gun with us?" i thought to myself and chuckled slightly. i planned out what to do then explained it to rob and steph.

"im sorry i got you guys into this mess." i said looking up at them. "but i'm going to get you out of it. i just need a little help." rob nodded at me and i began to move my chair closer to him. i grabbed the knife that just so happened to be at the right height...lucky me. "im going to cut you loose then i need you to get the ropes off of me." i said when i got behind him so we were back to back. i cut him loose and he did just what i said. 

"okay now both of you just stay in your chairs and look like your hands are tied i'm going to get them to come in here then robert and i will take them out, okay?" they both nodded and sat back in their seats.


"rob! i know he hurt your girl but you cant kill him, you dont need that blood on your hands" i said and placed my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. he stopped himself mid-punch and sat back onto the ground. "steph there is a gun over there in the corner, can you grab it." i said pointing to the gun i had spotted before. she silently walked over and grabbed it. i checked to see if it had any bullets in it and it was full. 

"okay i dont think i will have to use this but just in case" i said holding up the gun and putting it into my belt. i walked over the the window and pushed it open. i stuck my head out and looked around, but saw no one. "okay rob you first" he looked at me confused for a moment before walking over and carefully climbing out the window, 

After steph climbed out i closed the window. they tried to open it but couldnt from the outside. "go" i said to rob which was probably just a mumble to him. he looked at me worried for a breif moment before taking stephs arm and running. 

i headed up the stairs to see about three men waiting for me. Without thinking i pulled out the gun, lifted it and shot everyone of them. one of them got my arm but i continued through the house to the living room. mitch stood in the middle of the room finishing up the drink in his hand and pointing his gun right at me. we stood and looked at each other for a while before he spoke. 

"i really didnt want to have to do this man." before i knew it there was a sharp pain in my side following the sound of a gun shot. my gun was still aimed at him and i pulled the trigger sending a bullet straight through his heart. he fell to the ground clutching at his heart before his breathing stopped. 

i slowly began to fall to the ground before there were arms on me holding me up. "Dec, hang in there please. just keep breathing." i heard them mumble to me. i could make out the outline of them and of course they said dec so i knew it had to be rob. "rob---wh-what are you doing?" i said my voice sounding painful and quiet. "saving you" i heard just before my eyes drifted shut. 

Robert's P.O.V

we ran to the car and i told steph to get in and drive far away. "i have to go back for him" i said and she looked at me apologetically. i leaned in and kissed her before closing the door and running back to the house.

i bursted through the door, there was no sound for a while until i heard a shot from the living room. i rushed in to see dec drop the gun and slowly begin to fall backwards. i ran over catching him in my arms and pulled him onto my lap. "dec, hang in there please just keep breathing." i said and he squinted his eyes at me. "rob---wh-what are you doing?" he said quietly and my heart clenched at the sound of his pained voice. "saving you" i whispered and just as his eyes drifted shut police bursted through the door.

"in here cuick!" i yelled and two men with a stretcher hurried into the room. they carried him out on the stretcher and i got in with him in the back of the ambulance as they drove to the hospital. i grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly. "you're going to be okay" i whispered and the sirens started to go.


ahhhhh!!! is declan going to be okay?! whats going to happen if he is?! where did steph go?! so many questions haha

hope you guys enjoyed it :) most of it was declans point of veiw but hey it was his turn :)

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