The best day of my life

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Robert's P.O.V

"Hey Stephy" I whispered into  her ear waking her from her sleep."ya" she replied quietly in a sleepy voice. "I'm sorry" i said tiltiing my head down. She lifted her head to look up at me. "what for?" she asked confused. "We haven't had time to even get married yet and it's all my fault." i replied looking away from her. "no it's not babe, We have gotten married yes but you can't blame yourself. you helped out Declan and saved his life. He is out living his life now because of you. I would wait forever to get married if it was for good reason." she said turning my head back so i was looking at her. I smiled slightly and said "I don't deserve a girl like you." "And i don't deserve a guy like you, but sometimes the things you think you don't deserve are the things you need in your life." She replied. I smiled again and leaned forward to kiss her softly on the lips. "I love you" she whispered into our kiss. "i love you" i whispered back. 

"Let's get married tomorrow" i said excitedly. She looked at me surprised before smiling and saying "I'll marry you anyday." i smiled and picked her up off the bed spinning her around. "you need to go get a dress missy," i said setting her back on her feet. "and don't say you can't afford one, i am a rich movie star you know." i said smirking at her. she smiled and said "i will call kaitlyn right now and we will go pick out a dress." I smiled and kissed her before shewing her off to call kaitlyn. 

Steph's P.O.V

I hadn't told kaitlyn or anyone about getting married yet, so i gave Rob a list of people to invite then called kaitlyn. "Kaitlyn, i have some very good news and it involves doing something that you love to do." i could hear her excitment over the phone as i told her about everything. "i'll be over in a minute. I can't believe i finally get to see you in a dress." she said excitedly before hanging up. i laughed to myself and quickly got ready to go.

I tried on dress after dress after dress until i found 'the one.' i walked out of the changing room to show kaitlyn and her hand flew up to her mouth as she let out a loud gasp. "you look amazing Steph, please tell me this is the one you want." she said exitedly. 

I walked over to look in the mirror and i was amazed at what i saw. I never thought i could look good in a dress. But as i looked at myself in the mirror I could just see myself walking down the isle towards rob. Tears formed at my eyes and i turned to kaitlyn. "this is the one" i said smiling widely. She jumped up off the couch she was sitting on and ran over to hug me. " I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees you in this." she said smiling at me. 

We paid for the dress and Kaitlyn brought it back to my house which i hadn't been to in a while. Rob and i decided we were going to get married in his backyard(the beach). Kaitlyn didn't let me stay with rob for the night so i stayed back at my house with her.

*the wedding* 

The music was playing and Kaitlyn and two of my other friends walked down the isle. I was feeling nervous but when it was my turn to walk down the isle i took a deep breath and slowly walked toward my one and only love. the only person i was close enough with to walk me down the isle like my dad would have was kaitlyns dad. so i linked my arm in his as we walked.

Rob was Dressed in all black except for his blue vest that was under his jacket. His face was lit up with a smile as he watched me walk down the isle. I would have liked having my dad walk me down the isle but of course he couldn't. I felt as though he was there next to me though and i knew he was smiling down on me. Nothing around me mattered at that moment except for the man standing at the end of the isle waiting for me.

As the minister spoke Rob looked at me and mouthed the words "i love you forever" i smiled and mouthed back "and always." He smiled and the moment we were both anticipating finally came. "you may now kiss the bride." Rob stepped towards me and pressed his lips softly to mine leaning me backwards. He stood me back up and we both smiled at eachother before turning and jogging back towards the house as we were covered with confetti. 

"Today was the best day of my life" i said as we sat in the limo. "Let's make today a memorable day then." he said and leaned over to kiss me deeply. 


Its about time! declan is doing great, steph and rob are married what more could possibly happen?

you'll have to wait and see :)

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