The Return

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Robert's P.O.V

i couldnt believe it. steph and i have been together for two months and things are going great. i finally finished shooting my movie so we could finally have more time together. we went out for breakfest, and we just had tones of fun. when we got home around eleven at night we just sat and watched a movie in my home theatre. during the movie my phone was going off and i didnt want to answer it but it was one of my body guards. i answered it with my ear peice. 

"what is it brian?" i asked a little worried because he usually doesnt call unless its an emergency. 

"it's april sir."

my eyes widened and i was suddenly becoming angry. "get rid of her." i said quietly so steph wouldnt hear. "shes refusing to leave sir." brian replied and i got even angrier. "i dont care make her leave." i hung up my phone and turned back to the movie screen. 

"who was that?" stephy asked not looking away from the screen. "just brian dont worry about it babe." i said and kissed her forehead. she nodded and rested her head back on my shoulder. 

*smack* the door to my home theatre flew open hitting the wall. i turned and couldnt tell who it was until they got closer. "are you trying to hide from me baby" april said as she walked closer to me. she placed her hand on my face and went to kiss me but i put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her back. "get off of me, what are you doing here april? i thought i made it clear i never want to see you again!" i yelled as she fell back slightly. "i told you i just want us to be together again" she replied trying to steady herself."i dont want us to be together, i have the love of my life already i dont want you, you gave up on us the second you broke my heart for that stupid jock." i yelled back at her. 

in highschool she thought a football player named rick loved her and she left me for him. i of course was in love with her at the time and she destroyed me. but once i started getting famous and making money she has been trying to get back with me.

"im sorry i didnt mean to i dont know what i was thinking." she tried to apologize."no, i dont care you made your choice long ago and thats how it is going to be." she walked over to where steeph was sitting and slapped her before saying, "this is your fault, if it werent for you he'd be mine, you will regret taking him from me." before i could do anything stephy stood up  and *smack* her hand flew across aprils face making her cheek turn red. "you're the one who broke his heart, im not going to let you do anything to hurt him ever, so you better stay the hell away from him and from me or YOU will be the one regretting something, not me." she yelled right back at her. april stumbled backwards with her hand on her face and headed for the door. "i will get you for this" she said before turning and running back out of the room.

i looked up at steph, her face was tensed and full of anger. her hands were in fists turning white from tensing. her eyes were wide and she looked like she was ready to kill someone. i reached up my hand and grabbed hers. she loosened her grip and held my hands. i looked up and her face relaxed when she looked at me. "im suposed to protect you not the other way around." i said and gave her a wink. she smiled and leaned over to kiss me. "you are very hot when you are angry"she whispered to me. i smiled and said "well you wont see that very often, i could never get angry with you." "now then can we finish the movie with no more interuptions?" she asked with a grin."haha of course" i replied and pulled her down next to me. 


yes she has returned once again so soon...sort of... and yes i have finally updated. i know this was short but i hope you thought it was good!

Steph's P.O.v

robert and i were in his home theatre watching a movie when his phone went off. when he answered it i thought it must be urgent. but i focused on the movie. he started to whisper and sounded a little angry and i got a little worried. "who was that?" i asked when he hung up. "just brian,  dont worry about it babe." he replied and kissed my forehead. i could tell something was wrong, but i didnt want to bother him about it. if it was something i needed to know he would tell me.

not long afterthe door to the theatre swung open and roberts ex came storming in and began to yell at him.


Her arm swung over slapping me right across the face. "this is your fault, if it werent for you he'd be mine, you will regret taking him from me" she yelled in my face. my face stinging and anger boiling inside me i stood up and as though my hand had a wind of its own it swung over slapping her right back in the face. her head turned sideways and her hand immediately reached for her face. "you're the on who broke his heart, im not going to let you do anything to hurt him ever, so you better stay the hell away or you will be the one regretting something not me." i screamed back at her. my hands became fists and i gripped tightly to keep myself from hitting her again. she fell backwards and began to head for the door. "i will get you for this" she said before turning and running out of the room. 

i wanted to chase her down and hit her again but i couldnt do that. i could now see why robert would never have kissed her that day in the hotel. i continued to stare at the door she had ran out until i felt a pair of warm hands on mine. i turned to see robert holding my hand in his and my fist automatically loosened. seeing his face helped me to calm down. i couldnt help but smile at his words. "im suposed to protect you not the other way around." i leaned over and kissed him. when my lips touched his i remembered seeing his face when he was yelling at HER. he actually looked really hot. 

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