i need money

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Steph's P.O.V

the morning after robs birthday i woke up to the doorbell ringing. i groaned and slowly got out of bed sliding out of rob's warm arms. i was to tired to put any underwear on so i just slid on my jeans and threw on a big sweater so it wasnt obvious i had nothing underneith it. i slowly walked down the stairs and rolled my eyes when the doorbell rang again. when i got to the door  the person started knocking and i opened it before they finished and they were knocking on air. 

"oh um hi, im declan, i umm, are you stephanie?" the man asked shyly. he was young looking, but looked like he could be around my age. he was wearing a white and black suit and his hair was somewhat shaggy and was all messed up in a stylish way. he was about robs height maybe a little shorter. "yes i am" i replied and let him inside. "i umm, im sorry it's just you are really pretty, i can see why rob loves you." "oh you know rob?" i asked curious as to who he was. "ya im his cousin, we used to be really close a couple years ago" he replied.

"we still are close what are you talking about dec!" rob yelled as he walked down the steps.declan turned and a smile grew on his face when he saw rob. "hey rob long time no see!" he said as rob pulled him in to a 'man hug.' i suddenly felt awkward because rob was now wearing a dress shirt and some dress pants and his hair was styled and everything. and declan was wearing a suit and im just here in some jeans and a sweater with my hair all messed up. "ill let you two catch up while i go get dressed" i kissed robs cheek and headed up stairs.

Robert's P.O.V

declan and i walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch. "so what brings you here dec?" i asked and poured him a drink. dec was the nickname i gave him when he was younger. hes only 4 years younger than me. "well i need your help with something." he said and looked around the room. "okay what is it?" i asked a little afraid of what the answer might be. "well i umm owe this guy some money and if i dont get it to him in the next week, he said he is going to kill me and my family." my eyes widened when he finished. "dec i thought i told you doing jobs for those guys was a bad idea. how much do you need?" i replied a little pissed. "i know i know im sorry. i owe them ten thousand." i shook my head but agreed to help him out. 

"when do you need it?" i asked. "tomorrow?" he suggested. "okay." "when do you need what?" steph suddenly walked into the room and dec gave me a "please dont say anything" look. "he wanted to borrow one of my cars." i quickly said. "oh okay. so you guys are cousins?" steph asked as she sat on my lap. "yep rob has always been like a big brother to me." dec replied and i smiled at him. we continued to talk and tell stories from when we were younger until declan had to leave, to make 'some calls.' 

"be sure to give me a call if you need anything else dec!" i yelled before he got into his car. "why does he need to borrow one of your cars if he has a car like that?"steph asked after closing the door. "he wants to impress his date and doesnt think that one will do it." i replied. i didnt want to lie to her but i had to for dec. "i would certainly be impressed by that one" she said as i put my arm around her. "hey he's got a girlfriend missy and besides your all mine and i have many cars to impress you with" i said putting my free hand on my hip like a mom yelling at their kids. she giggled beside me and snuggled into my chest.

Declan's P.O.V

*the day before*

"where the fuck is the money declan! you are really starting to piss me off" mitch yelled as he kicked me in the gut. i let out a groan and said "i dont have it yet." he kicked me in the gut again. "dont give me that, i know you have the money." "i dont have it mitch plese just give me more time and i will get it to you." i said with a strained voice. "you have two days, if i dont have my money by then your dead and so is your family." he said and kicked me again. "now get the fuck out of here." he walked away and i was now alone in the big empty building. 

i looked around the empty warehouse to find the exit i had not to long ago entered through... i looked around for my car and when i spotted it the front window was smashed. i just got in and kicked out the window then drove away.

when i got home i parked my car in the garage so my girlfriend wouldnt see it. luckily she was still at work so i hurried upstairs to fix myself up. i splashed water in my face and looked up into the mirror. my eye was bruised up and my lip was cut, i lifted my shirt and my ribs were all bruised. i walked out and grabbed the make up that my girlfriend would use to cover up things on her face. when she got home she couldnt even tell anything happened and i just told her a had bit my lip really hard.

the next morning, i was sitting at the table thinking of how i could get the money. "there is no way i could get the money fast enough." i thought to myself. that's when i thought "maybe rob will help me out, we used to be really close." i figured it was worth a try, so i grabbed the keys to my better car and headed to robs. i made the right choice of bringing my old crappy car to meet mitch because i knew he would do something to it.

i slowly walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell twice. just as i was knocking the door opened. 


another family member!! poor declan :( good thing he has rob :)

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