Welcome Home

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Steph's P.O.V

In no time the fact that Robert and I were having a baby was all over the news. We had a ton of trouble getting home through the crowd but we eventually got out.

When we finally got home from the hospital I was surprised to see a bunch of family and friends there waiting for us. I was so happy to see everyone after everything that happened. Especially Declan because just like he is to rob he is basically a brother to me too. But the one person who surprised me most was Peter. I hadn't seen him since the hospital and yet he was here to welcome us home?  weird. I thought to myself. 

"Hey Peter what are you doing here?" I asked walking over to him with Rob. Rob seemed a bit worried about being around him so he put his arm around me and I pulled him closer to re-assure him. "Oh well I heard from a guy I work with that you just got back and I wanted to make sure you were okay. They also told me about the pregnant thing and I wanted to congratulate you" He said smiling. "Well thank you for that" Rob replied shaking Peter's hand. I was confused but didn't pay much attention to it. "No problem." Peter said nodded at Rob. "Oh ya Peter this is my husband Rob" I said remembering they hadn't met before. "So this is the man that got you finally, I didn't think she would find someone to keep her sane" He said jokingly. Rob laughed and said "Well she still isn't completely sane." "Hey" I said and hit his arm. 

Rob and Peter seemed to get along quite well and Peter had certainly changed a lot since elementary school. He basically talked about everything that happened after high school.

"Well sorry to keep you guys so long, i'm sure you have other people that would like to talk to you"  Peter said as he caught us up to his current career. "ah yes, well it was nice to meet you Peter" Rob said shaking his hand with a smile. "you to, and it was nice to see you again Steph" He replied. I smiled and nodded before he turned and walked off.

"Declan!" I yelled across the room getting a strange look from a few people.  I smiled and ran over to Declan to give him a hug. He chuckled and hugged me back. "It's nice to see you too." I smiled and said "What I missed my brotha from anotha motha" I said sounding like a gangster. "Well don't worry I missed my sista from anotha mista too" He said and we both laughed, "and of course my main man rob over here" He said pulling Rob into a bear hug. 

"So gotten into any trouble lately?" I asked Declan. "Nope, unlike you two I don't plan on repeating myself" He said jokingly. We both just laughed. "Well sadly I have to head out, I have a job now and i plan on keeping this one" Declan said and I frowned. "Aw okay, well be sure to stop by sometime." I gave him another hug and Rob and I walked him to the door. 

"Why aren't you ever that excited to see me?" Rob asked frowning. "Because I have to see you everyday" I sighed sarcastically. He gasped and turned to walk away. I remembered what he said to me once and sang/yelled "Baby come back." I reached my arm out towards him and he turned doing the same. We ran at each other dramatically and hugged before bursting into laughter. Luckily most of the people that were still at the house were in the other room.

When everyone finally left we said goodbye to them all before shutting the door and breathing out a sigh of relief. "Finally" I said walking to sit on the stairs.  "Sometimes I wish we weren't so popular" Rob said chuckling. "Oh i'm not the popular one you are" I corrected. "Good point" He agreed but smiled and kissed my cheek.

Rob's P.O.V

"Surrender!" I yelled across the room as I threw a piece of cake at Steph. "Never!" She yelled throwing cake back at me. "I'll get you" I said as I slowly crossed the room trying not to slip and fall. Steph was laughing her head off as I slowly moved towards her. By the time I got there she was on the floor laughing so I grabbed the rest of the cake and just plopped it down on her. "Aw honey look at you so cute covered in cake, I could just eat you up" I said licking cake off her cheek. She giggled and pulled me on top of her so the cake was squished between us and we were both covered.

We had decided to have a major cake fight since we had gotten a cake from basically everyone earlier. It was probably the most fun I had had in a long time.  

"Hey babe guess what" I said to Steph as I wrote in the cake, that was all over the floor, with my finger. "What?" She said and read what I wrote. "I want to make a whole basketball team with you" She read out loud. "Aw babe that's so cute but they will all be on different teams, so were going to make a team of all-stars so every team will have one of the best players there are." She said smiling and kissing me. "Sounds good to me" I said grinning up at her.

"Lets just hope this baby likes cake" I said after Steph licked my cheek and had some cake. She giggled and said "Yes because I love I'm loving cake right now." "Good that will make it a lot easier to clean this up" I said motioning towards myself. She looked down and licked her lips well nodding. "Oh and don't worry I love cake too" I said winking at her and kissing her soft lips.


Ahh guys sorry for not updating in forever I was so focused on my other story I forgot to update! but here it is, Hope you guys enjoyed it! 

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