the meeting

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I had been stranded alone on an island now for almost a year with nothing but the food and water that i had taken from my plane. I was the only one who survived the plane crash. my family didnt make and no one has come looking for me. Little did  i know my life was about to change forever.

one day i was down by the water at the edge of the island where my plane had crashed, when i saw a boat in the distance. i quickly stood and the sun made it hard to see so I had to squint to see the boat. it was not a big boat or even a boat with a motor, it was just a small life raft. but motivated by the thought of finally being around someone other then myself, i ran out into the water as far as i could towards the boat and waited for it to get closer. As i watched the boat coming towards me i waved my arms and yelled "OVER HERE!"  the man heard me and began to use his hands as paddles to come towards me.  as he got closer i began to make out what he looked like. he had short dark brown hair and was wearing an all black suit. i couldnt make out his height because he didnt stand up straight but he looked about 5'6.

when he finally got close enough to me i helped him to shore, but did not say a word to him. when he finally stood up straight he looked a little taller than i thought, somewhere around 5'8. "thank you so much for rescuing me, i've been on that boat for almost 2 days" the man said breaking the silence that had formed between us. "i wouldn't really say i rescued you, i've been trapped on this island for almost a year" i sighed as we walked into the trees carrying the boat. "oh wow are you the only one here?" he asked surprised. "yep." he turned and looked infront of us.

when we got to the house i had built out of things i found around the island he looked around amazed. "wow, this is amazing considering what you had to work with." i smiled at him and began to take out the food and water that was in his raft. he walked over and helped me put it all into a hole that i had dug to keep things cool. "well if we are going to be here together for a while i suppose i should introduce myself, the names robert downey jr." he reached his hand out to me. i shook his hand and said stephanie pollock." he had a somewhat surprised look on his face and i got confused. "what?" i asked. "oh nothing" he said and smiled. his smile was actually really cute and i couldnt help but smile back. "his name sounds so familliar but i cant quite figure out why." i thought to myself. i shrugged off the thought and went to start a fire before it got dark.

"so stephy where are you from?" he asked, i was shocked when he called me stephy no one had called me that before. "california." i replied and put wood on the fire. "me too!" he said excitedly.

i smiled and walked over to sit next to him by the fire. "thats awesome" i replied to tired to be excited. the sun was gone and the sky was full of stars so i decided to go down by the water and look at the stars.

"want to come look at the stars with me?" i asked robert. "okay" he stood up and held out a hand to help me up from the ground. his hand was warm on my cold skin and goosebumps formed on my arms.

"wow your hand is cold" he said and put my hands between both of his to warm it up. the touch of his hands gave me a shiver again and my hands began to warm up. As we began to walk to the water, he kept one of my hands in his. "jeez we just met and hes giving me butterflies" I thought to myself.

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