I'm serious

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Rob's P.O.V

"Honey come here....quick!" Steph yelled from the basement. I hurried down the stairs just like I had the day she tested me. "What is it?" I asked immediately. "The baby is coming" she said in a pained voice. "Is this a test?" I asked just incase. "NO! I'm serious get me to the damn hospital" she yelled at me. My eyes widened and I helped her along grabbed my keys and jacket and we hurried out to the car. 

I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. But we got pulled over by the cops. "Why were you speeding sir?" The man asked. "BECAUSE he's got a pregnant lady in his backseat ready to have her baby!" Steph yelled at the man before I said anything. "Well jeez here just follow me I'll get you there quicker." The man hurried back to his car and drove around in front of us. We followed behind him getting to the hospital twice as fast.

"Thank you officer" I said as we hurried into the hospital. A nurse led us into a room and helped steph to control her breathing better then left to get a doctor.


"Okay Steph I'm going to need you to push one more time make it a good one" The doctor(Peter) told her. Her hand tightened around mine as she pushed once more I felt like my hand was going to break but I didn't pull away because I knew she was going through more pain then me. I heard quiet crying to my left and looked over to see our little boy. Peter handed him to Steph and she held him in her hands with a big grin. It was weird that he was our doctor but I didn't care much.

Steph's P.O.V

All the pain left my mind as I held our little boy in my arms. My whole world was closed down to just me Robert and our baby. "What should we name him?" I asked Robert. We had thought of so many names before but right now none of them seemed right. "California" Rob said. I certainly liked it 'cause it's original. "Okay and his nickname can be cal" I said with a smile. I got to hold the baby for a while before they had to take it away to make sure everything is okay with him.

"California" I thought outloud as did Rob. We both looked at eachother and smiled. Rob kissed my forehead and said "You did great baby." "No we did great" I corrected. He chuckled and agreed.


About a couple days later we got to take cal home because he was very healthy. A few close friends and family came over to welcome us home and welcome the new baby. Everyone loved his name and said that california will probably be more of a nickname for him because he is so awesome. (Actually only Declan said that). But once everyone left I was totally pooped and Rob told me to go to bed. I trusted him enough with kids because I've seen him with babies before and he does well, probaly better than me. So I obeyed and went upstairs to sleep.

Going upstairs was a lot easier now atleast.

Rob's P.O.V

 Lucky me! we had quite the silent baby. He has barely cried since we brought him home, except when Declan held him which made me laugh because he freaked out about it. But I guess California listened to me when he was in that tummy. I put Cal to bed just in the room across the hall from us and turned on the baby monitor. I wasn't sure if Steph would go for anything tonight but I thought I'd give it a go. 

Steph's P.O.V

I woke up slightly when Rob crawled into bed next to me and put his arm around me. He started kissing my neck and i knew what he wanted but I was just so tired. "Rob I know but I'm really tired" I whispered. He pulled away and whispered "Okay." I was about to drift off again when Rob got up and left the room. 

I knew it was because of me. "I mean what am I doing this is the love of my life, he waited a long time for me, who cares if i'm tired!" I thought to myself. I climbed out of bed and went to find Rob. He was just across the hall so I didn't have to look long. "Rob come back to bed" I whispered. He was just watching Cal sleep. He turned away and looked at me and he looked somewhat sad. When he stood up and I saw he had no shirt on I was suddenly not so tired anymore. 

"Look babe I know you don't want to--" "Well I just had a sudden change of heart Mr. Maybe if I take my shirt off she'll go for it." I said cutting him off. I saw a smirk rise on his lips as we walked into our room. I could almost see his mental fistpump. But I could certainly tell he was waiting a long time.


So um did you guys like the name? 

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