The Rescue

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Steph's P.O.V

Weeks had past since robert had first ended up on the island with me and things were going great, so to speak.

Robert and i were down at the water going for a swim and i could hear something in the  distance. "shh" i said shushing rob as he was laughing. he saw the seriousnous in my face and stopped immediately. the sound got closer and it began to sound like a helicopter. i hurried out of the water with rob right behind me. i looked around to see if i could find the helicopter, finally just beyond the horizon the helicopter began to appear. "look" i pointed showing rob where it was. as it got closer rob waved his shirt around and  we jumped up and down in hopes of getting the attention of whoever was in the helicopter. lucky for us, it worked.

the helicopter landed  not far from us. we told them we had to get some important things before we left. we hurried to the house and back to the helicopter. my heart rate picked up as we came off the ground. memories of the plane crash ran through my mind and i gripped rob's arm pulling him closer. i was never really fond of heights they always scared the hell outta me. the plane crash just made it worse. 

when we landed back in california we were rushed into a place where they could check our health and ask us question. at some point i had fallen asleep in the room. when i woke the first thing that rushed into my head was rob.

there were clothes laid out beside my bed, so i quickly put them on and hurried out the door. i checked every room looking for rob but he was nowhere to be found. when i got back to my room the doctor was waiting for me but before he could say anything i asked "where's robert?" the man looked at me confused. "what are you talking about there was no robert here?" the man said. i didnt believe him, i glared right into his eyes and asked again "where is he?" he looked at me again with a calmed expression and said "ma'am you were just on an island for atleast a year, you must have hiluccinated this 'robert'. when you arrived you were alone there was no one with you."  i looked at the man one last time with anger in my eyes and ran out of the building. luckily i had grabbed my car keys and wallet when i out my clothes on.

i ran and ran until i was sure i was far away from that place. i immediately found a taxi and directed them to my house where my car is now in the driveway. the thought of going home to no one, just a big empty house caused tears to form in my eyes. Adding to that the fact that i had no idea where rob was. i held them back not wanting the driver to see me cry, not wanting anyone to see me cry. when i arrived at my house i quickly got out and paid the driver before running up to my house and letting myself in.

Robert's P.O.V

i wanted to see her, i wanted to make sure she was okay but they wouldnt let me. they said i had to leave before the papparazzi got there. i tried and tried to get in to see her but they just wouldnt allow it. they rushed me out to a limo and drove away. my heart clenched with every minute we drove further from where stephy was. all i had was the hope that she was okay. i wanted so badly to tell her everything about myself, to give her some way of contacting me, but we never talked about it. we were to focused on being trapped on that island that we didnt even think about what would happen if we were rescued. i hoped with all my heart we would find each other once again.

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