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Robert's P.O.V

i sat next to his bed as nurses came in and out for days. Declan somehow got knocked into a coma  and was now lying still in a hospital bed. they said the punches to the head started it but when he lost blood he fell into a coma. it had already been a few weeks. Stephy was the only thing keeping me in reality. she would make sure i drank and ate and even walked around for a while so i wouldn't get sick or anything. today was my last day with him before i had to go back to work so i wouldn't get fired. 

i talked to him everyday and read things in the newspaper to him. But it was time for me to leave. "come on rob, you have to get going or you might miss your flight." stephy said placing her hand on my shoulder to comfort me. i sat in silence for a moment before i finally stood up. "i'll see you when i get back dec, don't worry you're going to make it." i whispered and gripped his hand one last time before leaving the room with stephy. 

"hey babe im sorry i haven't really been myself lately" i said to stephy as i got close to my plane entrance. "it's okay i understand, you guys were really close." she replied with a comforting smile. "well, do me a favor and keep an eye on him well im gone. i will call you every night before i go to sleep." i replied and kissed her soft lips. "okay i'll miss you baby" she said and kissed me back. it was a long kiss and all i could think of was that i was glad she was there for me.

*two months later*

i called stephy everynight and everynight it was the same news. declan was still in a coma and nothing has really changed. i was happy to be heading back home to see stephy and declan, and part of me was glad he didnt wake up well i was gone. 

"hey babe, hows he doing?" i asked as i walked into declans room and stood next to him and steph. "he's doing fine, well for his state he is." she replied with a frown. i pulled her in for a hug. "i missed you" she whispered into my ear, so quiet i almost didnt hear it. "i missed you too" i replied and she sighed in relief. "what's wrong Stephy?" I said stepping back to look at her. "nothing just focus on Declan." she replied still frowning and looking down at the floor. "I don't want to when i know there is something wrong. i want to make sure you're okay first." i said reaching and lifting her head with my finger. "you are just so occupied with declan, that it doesn't seem like you really care about me right now. i mean i understand though because he is in a coma but--" "look at me" i interupted her from her negativity. "i do care about you right now, just because i am focused on him right now doesnt mean i dont care about you, i'll always care about you, i love you." she smiled slightly and i could see her blush. "see if i didnt really care i wouldn't find those blushes of yours so cute" i said and she blushed yet again. 

i felt something hit stephy's arm and hold it causing her to release a small squeal. i looked down to see it was dec. he looked frightened and scared for a moment before he saw where he was and relaxed letting go of stephy's arm.


just a short chapter sorry guys :P

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