Christmas part 2

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Steph's P.O.V

For the next day we didn't do very much and we got to sleep in. We did play a dancing game for a couple hours. We ended the night in the hot tub again and after I got dressed I was burning. I couldn't handle being so warm so I went and stood in the cold for a while. Rob of course came out with me until I was nice and cooled down then we headed back in. 

When everyone was asleep I began to get really warm again and decided to get a drink. I slowly got out of bed and headed down stairs. Kaitlyn's cat was excited when she saw me because we had been playing with her with a laser. I walked by her and grabbed a drink then stopped to go to the bathroom before I went back up. 

I somewhat hit the doorway on my way in the room which scared the shit out of kaitlyn's hamster (It was already in our room) which then scared the shit out of me and for a moment my heart was racing. I turned on the light to make sure her hamster was okay which then woke up Rob. 

"Babe, Whats wrong?" He asked. "Nothing sorry just a little scare go back to sleep." I whispered. "Not till you do" He said motioning for me to come to bed. I smiled and turned off the light then drifted off to sleep next to him.

The next morning Dave and Dorothy were gone so I decided to make breakfast while everyone was asleep. When Dave and Dorothy came back they had their son Bryan and his girlfriend with them. Then not long after they had to take their parents to go see a house that they are looking at. Bryan was a cool guy too. The rest of the day we really didn't do much but sit around. 

While I was lying in bed I felt like going to get a drink again, but when I went to get up Rob wrapped his arm around me and made me lay down again, "No scaring the hamster again Missy I'll go get you a drink. I smiled and he kissed my cheek before getting up to get me  a drink. 

I put my face into his pillow and just waited for him to come back.

Rob's P.O.V

I went to grab a drink for Steph and was as quiet as possible not to wake anyone up. When I got back up stairs I walked into the room to see steph all cuddled up with my pillow. "Steph" I whispered, but she said nothing. I guess she managed to fall asleep. I smiled and cuddled in next to her replacing my pillow with myself. She smiled in her sleep and cuddled closer.

Tomorrow we decided we would have Christmas on Christmas eve rather than Christmas so steph and I could head out and Bryan and his girlfriend could take our room. So we did. We got plenty of baby clothes and things for us. They all enjoyed the presents we had gotten them and thanked us for them. 

Steph's P.O.V

"Well I guess we better head out now, thank you guys for everything." Rob said as we stood by the door with our things. "Well we hope to see you guys again sometime it was great having you here" Kaitlyn said. "thanks for having us and we will be back to visit sometime." We gave everyone a hug and when I hugged Dave he kissed my forehead as I had seen him do to his daughter before. I felt really included at that point. I felt more accepted there than I did when I had my own family before the accident. "Goodbye everyone I'll miss you guys" I said almost ready to cry so we left as quickly as possible even though we didn't want to.

"jeez that was hard"  I said to Rob when he had gotten in his car that I had no idea how it got there, but I didn't bother to ask. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. 

When we got to our hotel we threw our bags on the floor and plopped down on our bed.

Rob's P.O.V

"Hey Stephy, I know you don't want o have sex, but I really want to make out with you right now." I said casually. "We have hardly kissed in three days what do you think my answer to that is?" Steph said. I thought 'no' Because if we had hardly kissed maybe it's because she doesn't want to. But when I turned to look at her I could tell it was 'yes' because shes wanted to kiss me. So I jumped right on it and began kissing her deeply. I kissed down her neck and possibly gave  her a hickey.  Even though she is pregnant she is still the hottest thing ever. 

"Damn that was hot" I said when we had to catch our breath. "I had been looking forward to that" Steph said smiling. "Well we did have our own room you know" I said. "Ya but that's weird" She said shaking her head. I chuckled and said "You're weird." She smiled and said "And don't you forget it." I laughed and kissed her once more. "Hmm that never gets old" She said when I pulled away. making me smile again. 

"Hey I got you something" I said remembering something I hadn't given her yet. I went and grabbed a little box from my suitcase. I came back and handed her the box. She had opened it to see the ring and necklace that I had grabbed while Christmas shopping.  I was a necklace with a heart on it that you could open up. I hadn't put any picture in it yet because I wanted her to decide that. The ring was silver and had a spinning part with the date that we first met on it. It took a lot of though to think of what the date was but I figured it out. 

"This is so beautiful!" Steph exclaimed. I just smiled at her. She hugged me and said "I got something for you too." She leaned forward and kissed me deeply. While kissing me she grabbed my hand and place it on her tummy and almost on cue the baby kicked. She pulled away and I said "Oh my gosh you got me a baby for Christmas!" I almost yelled sarcastically. She giggled and nodded. We both laughed and I gave her another kiss. 

The rest of the time we stayed in Canada we didn't  do much other than make out. I mean why not? nobody knows where we are not even the press. But then we had to head home.


okay so that is the end of chistmas :p it's chistmas eve for me right now so if you read this today Merry Christmas Eve and if you read it tomorrow Merry Christmas! :D 

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