Chapter 58

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~Skipping to early March~

Raelynn's POV ~
Dylan and i are both already officially graduated. We talked to the principal and we can still attend graduation if we're able to so thats nice. I feel bad for Aubrey, now shes the only one in school. She doesnt have her boyfriend, best friend, or sister(me) hehe. Im due in 2 weeks and i feel like im going to explode.

"So Dyl did you ever look into that Teen Wolf thing more?" I asked.

"Yeah but i dont know if im gonna do it..." Dylan said looking at me sad.

"Dyl.... Why not?" I asked sadly.

"Because the auditions are on your due date Rae..." Dylan said.

"Im probably going to have the baby before that Dylan." I said as i placed my hand on his. "Please audition." I told him.

"If the baby comes before the due date i will. If not i dont want to be there an then have you go into labor and have me not be there. I promised you i would be there and im not breaking that promise." Dylan said.

"Okay fair enough...." I said. Dylan leaned over and kissed me, i kissed him back. The kiss grew more intense and we were soon making out on the couch when Aubrey came in the door from school.

"Ew you two... Get a room!" Aubrey laughed as we kissed one more time and pulled away.

"I could say the same about you and Kaden." I laughed and she did too. "Kaden's not home by the way, he said he was going to the store because he was out of the something." I looked at her and raised my eyebrows, Aubrey blushed.

"Shut up and move over."Aubrey said.

"Aubrey i want your opinion on something. Do you think Dylan should go to an audition on the day of my due date? I think im going to have the baby before then. I mean i could have the baby right now." I said.

"I think if the baby is here you should go Dyl." Aubrey said.

"Thats what i said." Dylan said.

"Okay so if the baby is her-" i was cut off by a sharp pain in my lower stomach area.

"Raebug are you okay?" Dylan asked concerned.

"Yeah im fine that was weird." I said as the pain went away. After a couple minutes i got another pain. Thats when i realized i was having contractions and i was going into labor.

"Dylan.... Im having contractions." I said calmly breathing through the pain.

"What?!?! What do we do? Oh my god!" Dylan jumped up from the couch and started running around.

"Chill Dyl. You guys have been ready for this for a week. Go get the hospital bag from your room and then call Lisa." Aubrey said helping me handle the situation considering i was trying to focus on what i was doing.

"Thanks-Aubrey-Dont know what-i'd do-with out-you." I said between breaths.

Dylan went upstairs and got the bag and came back down. He got on the phone with Lisa asking what she wanted us to do. Then Kaden came home in the middle of the madness. Kaden clearly knew what was going on. Dylan got off the phone with my mom and was a lot calmer.

"Okay, your mom said to get the packed bag and whatever else like camera and chargers and then go to the hospital and she'll meet us there." Dylan said.

"Okay lets do it! We got this!!" Aubrey said and i laughed. We grabbed our stuff and were off to the hospital. Dylan, Aubrey and i went in Dylan's car and Kaden took his car.

We got to the hospital and signed in. We had to wait for them to get me in a room. As we were in the waiting room the pain got worse and worse and i was crying. Dylan and i were standing together. Our foreheads are pushed against each other, my arms wrapped around his neck and his arms under my arms. We were swaying back and forth. Dylan took his one hand and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Dyl i love you." I whispered.

"I love you too Raebug." Dylan whispered back.

"Thank you for always being there for me." I said.

"I'll always be here for you Raebug, dont forget that." Dylan said.

I had a really strong contraction. I stopped swaying and squished Dylan's shoulders with my hands and tried not to yell. Dylan was rubbing my back and humming to try and relax me.

"Dylan when am i going in a room?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I dont know Rae, soon baby i promise." Dylan said. Then i felt my water break. It was the weirdest feeling ever, an now there was a mess on the floor.

"Dylan!" I said scared, he knew what happened.

"Stay calm Rae. Kaden go get a nurse." Dylan said somehow remaining calm! Im mean he was freaking out at the house but i guess natural instincts took over. As i was waiting for Kaden to come back with a nurse when my mom got there.

"Hey baby im here." My mom said.

"Hi mom." I said leaning on Dylan. I guess my mom saw the floor cause she asked why i was still in the waiting room.

"Kaden's getting a nurse he should be back any minute." Dylan said.

"Okay good, good job Dylan." My mom said and pat him on the back.

Kaden came with a nurse and a wheel chair. Dylan helped me in the chair and then they brought me to a room. They got me set up in a room and then gave me a minute to change into a gown and they came back and talked to me. I HATE needles but this pain was ridiculous. I agreed to and epidural because im a weenie haha. They came in and did that which hurt like a bitch i might add and then my mom, Kaden and Aubrey came in. The pain was like a numbed pain now and just felt like a lot of pressure.

"How ya feeling Rae?" Kaden asked.

"Okay, just feels like a lot of pressure." I said. "Could i just have a minute with Dylan?"

"Sure." My mom said and they all went in the hallway.

"Im scared Dylan."

"Why are you scared Raebug?"

"Im scared of actually going through the labor but once we bring her home. Am i gonna be a good mom?"

"Rae your strong and you will be fine in labor. I know its a scary thought about bringing her home. Im not gonna lie im scared too. Maybe nervous is a better word, but your great with kids and your gonna be the best mommy to Bella ever." Dylan said and this made me feel better.

We were sitting in silence while the others were still in the hallway. There was a knock on the door and the doctor came in. They came to cheek how many centimeters i was dilated.

"Wow! First baby but your flying through it Ms. Bosco. Your at 8 centimeters so your getting close." The door said an then left and everyone else came back in.


I started to feel the urge to push so the doctor came back in and i was ready to go. I didnt really care, everyone stayed in the room with me. They got everything all set up and we started.

"Push!" Everyone was saying i felt like i was gonna pass out. After a couple minutes of pushing the doctor said he could see the head and we were almost there. This whole thing felt like an eternity. I looked at Dylan who looked pale and like he was gonna pass out. I squeezed his hand harder as i pushed and he kept telling how great i was doing. I knew he wouldnt pass out on me. After a couple more minutes of pushing i felt a giant relief of pressure and i heard a cry.

"Shes here!" The doctor said. They placed her on my stomach and the nurse handed her up to me and they were cleaning her air way. I was crying tears of joy and so was Dylan.

"She's perfect." I said, Dylan kissed me.

"She is. You did great Rae." Dylan said. My mom had been taking pictures and stuff. It felt like soo much was going on. They took Bella to weigh her and all that stuff.

"That was amazing." Aubrey said.

"Im proud of you, your growing up so fast. Your gonna be a fantastic mom and Dylan a fantastic dad." My mom said.

"Thanks guys." I said.

They brought Bella back over and told us all her stats. She weighed 7 pounds, she was 20 inches long, she was born at 8:00pm on March 8th 2014 (look at me being fancy with numbers and such hehe). She was perfect in every way. Everyone left to give Dylan, Bella and i some "family time".

"Shes beautiful." Dylan said.

"Yeah she is." I smiled.

"Just like her mom. You did great Raebug." Dylan said as he kissed my forehead.

"Dyl... And thanks so did you, i thought you were gonna pass out for a minute there." I giggled.

"Me too... Haha." Dylan laughed. Dylan took his pointer finger and ran it over Bella's tiny hand. Bella opened her little hand and grabbed onto Dylan's finger, it was the cutest thing ever! Dylan smiled and she let go of his finger. She blinked her eyes open.

"Hey Bella." I said and smiled.

"I was right." Dylan said.

"About what?" I asked.

"She has perfect green eyes just like you." Dylan said. I looked at her eyes and he was right. Thats funny most babies are born with blue eyes that change to their color later or just brown but hers were green.

"I was right too." I said. "She has you cute nose." I said poking Dylan's nose, we both giggled.

The doctor came back and took Bella so they can do all their tests and such that they have to do. I was exhausted. Aubrey, Kaden, and my mom went home. Dylan insisted on staying. He slept in a chair next to my bed. I finally fell asleep at like midnight. I couldnt wait to leave to hospital and take Bella home.


Aww!! Yay, it was the baby chapter! Hehe. Hope ya like it! Comment, like, vote and all that goodies! Haha love you guys! <3 Krissy

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