Chapter 40

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Kaden's POV ~
Its about 10:00pm already and Raelynn, Dylan, and i are on the way home from the hospital. I feel bad for Raelynn because i know she feels uncomfortable with out dad being here. The ride was quiet because Dylan was all drugged up in the backseat and Raelynn was with him in the back.

"I think im gonna just hang with Dylan in my room and make sure hes okay since hes soo loopy." Raelynn said, i turned around and saw Dylan's head on Rae's lap and Raelynn's arms wrapped around him and holding his hand i could tell she felt awful but it was/wasnt her fault.

"Okay thats fine, we can celebrate together later. Maybe have one of our own days to hang just you and me like old times." I said.

"You mean like 9 months ago before we both started dating?" Rae chuckled.

"Yes thats exactly what i mean"

We pulled into our driveway and it looked like the party was pretty heavy already. There was a bunch of cars in the driveway and you could hear loud music and laughter from inside and the back yard. Raelynn and i brought Dylan inside and up to her room.

Raelynn's POV ~
When we walked in the house everyone yelled. "Aye! Theres the man of the hour" like he got engaged or something.

"Hey guys i'll be right back." Kaden said as he helped me bring Dyl upstairs. We laid him on my bed an i sat next to him for a second.

"Thanks for helping me Kaden." I said as i got up and hugged him.

"No prob Rae, your my little sister its my job to help and protect you." Kaden said.

"Yeah yeah yeah... Now go have fun at your party"

"Okay i will" he winked "if you need anything get me or call/text me okay? I promise i wont leave the house i just dont know where i'll be in the house" Kaden said.

"Okay thanks i know." I said as he walked out and closed my door. Im sitting here looking at Dylan who is pretty much fast asleep. The look of pain had disappeared from his face. I dont know if its because he was given pain meds or because he was sleeping but im happy if you was in less pain then before.I cant believe i broke 4 of his ribs!?!?!? Like way to go Raelynn just break your boyfriend its okay. Ugh im just so frustrated, i laid down next to Dylan and stared at the ceiling. I drifted off asleep looking up at the white ceiling of my room.

Aubrey's POV ~
So far the night has been pretty eventful. I haven't seen Raelynn since they got back from the hospital so i went to go check on her and Dylan. I was sitting on Kaden's lap in the backyard talking with everyone.

"I'll be right back im gonna go check on Rae and Dyl." I said

"Okay" Kaden said as he kissed me and i got up.

It was about a little after midnight. I felt bad for Rae because i know he wasnt expecting her dad to be here. It is funny to think that if it had been her dad and not Dylan that she would have broke his ribs but, i feel bas for Dylan. It was quieter in the house then outside. Most of the adults were inside thats why. I looked around and said hi to everyone as i walked through the house. I realized i didnt see Raelynn's dad, i kinda panicked but realized i needed to relax and not jump the gun. I walked up to Rae's door and it was closed, i slowly turned the knob slowly and walked in. Dylan an Raelynn were both passed out on her bed. Her lights were on and it was really bright so i figured they would just sleep through the night so i went to turn her lamp off. I walked over to the lamp that was next to her bed and reached over to turn it off, i turned the knob and the room got dark. I turned around to walk away and tripped over Raelynn's night stand.

I didnt want to walk them so i did my best to hold in my scream but i hit the floor with a loud thud. Raelynn jumped up from her sleep when she heard me and feel on top of me and we both yelled.

Raelynn's POV ~
"AUBREY WHAT TO FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?" I said with my hand over my chest trying to catch my breath.

"I can to check on you and i turned your light off so if you guys were asleep for the night the light wasnt on! And then i tripped over your nightstand!"

"Gees you should have just left the light on!"

"Sorry Rae." Aubrey said and we both stood up. "How's Dylan doing?"

"Im not sure... He's been asleep since we got back. He was all drugged up on pain meds." I said sadly. Aubrey opened her mouth to say something but i cut her off. "I feel horrible!" I cried.

"Rae its not your fault and he told you that. Its not like you cheated on him you were protecting your self from someone you thought it was that you were afraid of." Aubrey said.

"I know.... But i still feel terrible. I think im gonna talk to my dad before he leaves"

"Really....?" Aubrey questioned.

"Yes really."

"Why dont we let Dylan sleep and you come and try and have some fun"

"I dont think hes sleeping hes just knocked out from the meds haha, okay i guess i'll join" i said.

We turned the other light in my room that isnt so bright an then went downstairs. We walked passed the adults and i said hi, i didnt see my dad... We walked out side and everyone yelled."Aye! There she is!"

I laughed. "Hey guys!"

I sat next to Kaden and Aubrey sat on his lap. It was a big group of people and there was about 5 different conversations going on. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. Even though the night had sucked so far i was starting to have a good time. I started to let loose and have some fun. There was alcohol at this party even though people were underage only the people whose parents were there could drink. If anyone whos parents werent there then, well they were taking there own risk. My mom said i could drink. My mom was never strict and i was never really interested in drinking but i decided to try some.I took a sip of whatever Kaden had. It was gross but i took another sip.

"Dont worry you can finish it" Kaden said with a wink and a laugh. The bottle was pretty much full when he gave it to me, I laughed.

"Okay thanks" i said as i took another sip. I got like halfway through the bottle and i started to feel relaxed, not tipsy but relaxed.

I decided to go inside to see time it was and to see if my dad was still here. I walked in and saw the clock on the oven said 1:15am. I looked around and found my mom.

"Hey is dad still here?" I asked.

"I think so but i havent seen him. Are you okay?" My mom said.

"Okay, and yeah im fine i was just wondering."

"Okay love ya Rae." My mom said an kissed my head and went back to her conversation.

I went upstairs just to check on Dyl and sure enough he was still out so i went back downstairs and went to the front yard. When i walked outside there was only a couple people in the front. I saw a familiar manly figure at the end of the driveway. It was my dad pacing back and forth, i could tell he was thinking. I remember when i was younger he would always pace back and forth when he was thinking. I know it sounds weird but he look like he was innocent.... I kinda felt safe and not scared for the first time in 5 1/2years. Maybe it was the drink i had or maybe it was just some kind of natural instinct but i took this as my chance.I walked to the end of the driveway and tapped him on the shoulder.

"H-Hey dad..." I said

"Hey Rae, how are you doing? How is Dylan?" My dad asked. I all of a sudden lost that sense of safety.

"Uh-ummm... I-im okay i guess. And hes still sleeping them gave him pain meds at the hospital." I tried to stay calm.

"Thats good." He said.

"Yeah i guess, i just feel really bad...."

"Its not your fault. Who did you think it was that you needed to hit with a bat anyway?" My dad asked, i had to think fast because i cant be like 'oh you, you idiot.'

"Ummm i dont know i was just scared it was someone trying to hurt me." I said.

"Oh and not that im not enjoying talking to you but why are you talking to me? Im asking because you havent talked to me directly pretty much since you, Kaden and your mom moved..." He said.

"Um because. I-i wanted to talk to you. Um actually i wanted to ask you something."

"Okay what is it? You know you can ask me anything you want." He said, im not sure why i said what i said next but i couldnt take back the words after i said them.

"Can we talk in private? Just the two of us?"

"Sure, where do you want to go?" He asked

"Umm... Come with me" i said and motioned him to follow me. I was bringing him to the park across from the intermediate school that i always went to when we first moved here. I still go there when i need to think about everything. I thought it would be the best place to get the answer im looking for. I want to explain to him how i felt about all of this and i thought the park would be the best place to go. Im not sure if it was the best idea to go there alone with him but for some reason i took my chance.


Love ya guys! Krissy

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