Chapter 12

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-Skipping 2 weeks-

Raelynn's POV ~
So in the past 2 weeks everything has gone back to normal which i couldnt be more happy for that. Todays Kaden's birthday so Dylan and i are going on a double date with Kaden and Aubrey for his birthday. Its about 8:30am i decided to text Dylan and wake up Kaden and wish him a Happy Birthday.

To Dylan ~
"Hey boo!! You up yet? :)"
Then i got up and went down the hallway with my blanket wrapped around because i was cold. Kaden's door was cracked open so i decided to just walk in. That was a mistake...
"HAPP--y OMG IM SOO SORRY!" Kaden and Aubrey started screaming and so did i! I ran back into the hallway. I cant believe i walked in on them... Im scarred for life... "RAELYNN.... ITS OKAY YOU CAN COME BACK IN NOW...." I slowly walked back in with my face covering my blushing face.
"So i walked in on you guys... I didnt even know Aubrey was here. When did you get here? Anyway i was gonna wake you up and say HAPP BIRTHDAY!" I laughed
"Um i got here last night. Thur Kadens window..." "Wow Aubrey... There is a front door." We all laughed "Thank you for your Birthday wish Rae." "No prob. I'll be downstairs making breakfast meet me down there." "Okay" they said in unison.
I went back in my room and got my phone and headed downstairs
Texts ~
From Dylan ~
"Hey Rae-bug! Im up! Can i come over? ;)"
To Dylan ~
"Nah... Your nope allowed to come over."
From Dylan ~
"Seriously? :( why?"
To Dylan ~
"😂 im just kidding!!! Of corse you can come over! I miss you, your so gullible ❤"
From Dylan ~
"I knew that.... Haha ok be over soon!"
Then Aubrey and Kaden came down.
"Aubrey can i talk with you?" I asked.
"Of corse your my bff. Come on." Aubrey was the only person i had ever told about my dad until my mom told Dylan so she thought thats what i wanted to talk about. We went into the living room and Kaden stayed in the kitchen.
"Is it about everything that happened recently? Ya know? With him..?"
"Nope. And we never have to talk about "him" again. Okay.?"
"Sorry Rae. Okay. Are you mad or something?"
"No im not mad. Im just freaked out that i walked in on my brother and bestfriend!" We both laughed.
"Sooo..... I wanted to tell you something that i only told Kaden but i want you to know! Me and Dylan didnt just kiss... Remember when we left the dance and Kaden was like dont do anything and i was like im not! Well we did.... And not to gross you out like you did explaining to me about my brother... Thanks for that image (she starting laughing. So did i) but it was amazing. And i know we have only been going out for 2 weeks i want him soo bad still! Like what do i do?!?!"
"Well sorry about that image haha, and i would talk to him. Im sure he probably feels the same way as you."
"Thanks Aubrey!! If only we could be sisters!" "I know if only!"
Dylan finally got to my house we all hung out all day then around 7 we started to get ready.

-Skipping to 7pm-
Aubrey and i got ready in my room the boys took turns in the bathroom and were ready in 15 minutes.
I wore jeans and a tube top layered with a jean jacket and a pair of boots. Aubrey wore a sweater with a pair of leggings and boots. Yes we had matching boots! Haha we left for dinner and a movie around 8.
-Skipping movie & dinner-
We all went in Kaden's car so me and Dylan sat in the back seat. I was leaning against him and he had his arm wrapped around me.
"Dylan?" I whispered. He leaned down and was whispering in my ear.
"Yeah Raelynn?" It drove me crazy when he whispered in my ear!
"Umm... I was wondering if maybe you wanted to...." We both leaned in and crashed into each others lips.
"Uhh huum..." Aubrey coughed me and Dylan stopped i blushed.
"Told ya Rae." She winked
"What?!" Dylan said confused.
"Nothing..." We got home and went inside. Dylan and me in my room and Kaden and Aubrey in Kaden's room.
We didnt change we just laid in my bed when we got in my room. It was silent until Dylan started to talk.


Guys im sick! :( im gonna get you guys up to date with my story on here. Lol cause on instagram i posted part 17. So by tomorrow or Friday all parts will be up on here too :) love ya guys!
~ Kristina

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