Chapter 16

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A few days have passed ever since the date I had with Ethan. I'm honestly so happy that we're finally together, and it's actually made these past few days become so much easier.

Not having to worry about Sam, and even Ethan begging to know about us when we were dating. It's made the stress and worries go away, which I'm very relieved about.

It was now another normal school day, and I was getting ready to leave my house since Ethan said he was parked outside my house. He's been picking me up for school now ever since we've became together, which has made my ride to school a bit easier also.

"Have a great day at school sweetie!" my mom smiled while giving a goodbye kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you," I smiled towards her. "Bye!" We finally pulled away from each other while saying our final goodbyes, and I started walking over towards the front door.

As I was picking up my school bag from the ground, I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. I pulled my bag over my shoulder, and took out my phone that revealed the third text from Ethan this morning telling me to come out.

I smiled to myself knowing that he adores me this much, and I put my phone back in my pocket. I then finally headed out the door, saying my last goodbye to my mom, and I went over to Ethan's car.

I got in the passengers side, and I was then greeted by Ethan on the drivers side. "Finally you came," he chuckled while giving me a small peck on my cheek. "I missed you."

I blushed to myself once again by him saying those words. "It's like you can't miss any second without seeing me," I laughed.

"It's true," I heard him chuckle again, and he finally started to drive off. We started to have a small conversation as he was driving off to school, but all I could think about was finally being with Ethan.

My mind basically revolved around him, and I had no thoughts left about Sam. I even kept giving a few stares towards Ethan, and just admiring about how perfect he is in my mind. He did notice a few times as I did cause he was also teasing me a bit about it.

Sooner or later, Ethan pulled into a parking spot at school. We then got out, and I met him in the front of the car. I felt him grip onto my hand, and intertwine his fingers with mine.

I smiled up towards him as he did, and he smiled also. He then planted a small kiss on my forehead, and we started to head inside the school hand in hand.

We then headed over towards my locker talking about something random. But Ethan started to bring up Sam into our conversation as I opened up my locker and getting a few books.

"Have you noticed that Sam hasn't shown up to school ever since the dance?" he asked me.

I then thought for a moment, realizing that it's true. I haven't seen him here ever since then. "Yeah," I replied. "I wonder what's been up with him."

Once I finished getting the books I need, I closed my locker afterwards, and Ethan and I started to walk down the school hallway.

"Don't you think it's kinda scary though?" he asked. "Like what if he pops up out of random somewhere? He's dangerous, you know?"

"Yes, I know Ethan," I told him assuringly. "There's nothing to worry about. You and me will be fine if anything happens."

"You're right. I shouldn't be worrying," he said with a reassuring smile. I smiled back up towards him once he did.

We then started talking about something else, but it was until we had gotten stopped by someone. Someone whom we had just talked about and thought that nothing would happen...

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