Chapter 25 "second chance"

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Chapter 25


Argh! I feel like my eyes won’t open. It feels so heavy, it’s like I’ve been crying the whole night. . . . Oh. . . I’ve been crying the whole night. This sucks; this feeling of regret is so not good. I feel embarrassed and ashamed of what I have done to Damian. I shouldn’t have judged him, but what can I do? Everyone was telling to stay away from him… and he didn’t even explain anything to me. And I was so young back then to know what to do, I mean he was my first boyfriend ever… and … excuses. . . Why am I making excuses?

I tried to open my eyes and I can see Santana smiling at me.

“Morning sleepy head.” She said.

“Ahh… eww my eyes are puffed up.” I said when I saw myself in the mirror just across Santana’s bed. Great.

“Pft… yeah they are super puffed. Here.” She gives me a glass of water. “How are you feeling now?” she asks and at the same time everything sinks in.

“I… I don’t know what to do . . . how can I just leave like that?” I ask her… but more to myself.

“I know it’s hard, but you just have to talk to him and settle this issue. So that both of you can move on.” She said.

She’s right. I have to talk to him. I have to tell how I felt back then and how I’ve regretted it now.

“Ammm…. Can I ask something?”Santana said that brings me back to reality. “I know the reason why you didn’t tell me about Damian… but can I ask why did you pretend not knowing him?”

I swallow a lump. “He… well it’s because, I can’t face him yet. When you told me about him, I was shocked and my mind and body seems to be in sync at that time and agreed to act like I don’t know him.”

“So that’s the reason why you knew all that information huh?” she said and snorts.

I can’t help but release a smile. “Yeah.”

We are silent when we heard a knock on the door.

“Girls, Breakfast is ready.”

“Mom?” Santana asks. She went and open the door. “Since when did you guys get back?”

I compose myself to greet Mrs. Hart. “Morning Mrs. Hart.” I said.

“Oh Morning honey. I think you guys just had a tough night huh?” She said and pointed her eyes while looking at me.

“Oh, yeah kind of.” I said shyly.

“Okay so let’s have breakfast.”

We all went downstairs to their dining area. It feels so awkward for me since everyone in the family is here.

“Morning Mr. Hart.”

“Morning…woah.” Mr. Hart said when he looks at me.

“Do my eyes really look that bad?” I ask to avoid more awkwardness.

“Tough night huh?” He said.

“I guess you guys are meant to be since you said the exact same thing.” I told Mr. and Mrs. Hart and we all made a light laugh.

“Girls.” I faintly heard Brian said.

Both Santana and I gave him a deadly stare and he raise his hands as a sign of defeat and again we all laugh.

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