chapter 8 :)

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All the chapters of this story has been edited by BRIANNA POLLARD A.K.A nitedreamer. thanks to her you can understand my story more.. hahaha am I even making sense here?? hehehe that's all I thank you. *BOW*

VOTE and COMMENT okay??? Thanks mwah!! I love you all!

Chapter 8

“Surprise!” Mom said with a big smile on her face.

Bret and Craig were right behind her. There was an awkward moment, especially with Brian and me.

“W-welcome back mom.” I said and gave her a hug. “Bret.” I gave him a hug too.

“Is there any problem honey?” Mom ask.

I think she notice that there is something going on in here.

“I-I’m fine, I’m just… shock that you guys are here. Why didn’t you tell us?” I ask to change that topic.

“Well, we wanted to surprise you and I guess we did a very good job.” She said and kisses Bret.

“How’s everything here?” Bret asks, looking at me, Brian and Craig.

I inhaled. “Fine… I guess.” Again there is an awkward silence.

Craig cleared a throat. “So you are back so I guess we should have a little celebration.” He said that made my mom jumpy.

We ordered pizza and some drinks. Mom told us how beautiful Dubai was and how they enjoyed their honeymoon. They gave us some of the things they bought for us along with their trip. I got a bag, two pairs of new shoes, one was a pair of high heels. I also got a new dress and a casual top. Brian and Craig have their own too, I don’t really know what’s the real relationship of Craig with the Hart’s, but they seem really close. I can’t take all the awkward moment with Brian.

"Umm, I’m sorry guys but I’m really tired and I still have school tomorrow, so I have to say goodnight.”

“Oh, I’m sorry honey I forgot about school.” Mom kissed me in the forehead. “I love you, and good night.”

“Love you too.” I said and I waved at Bret.

I went upstairs and drop myself in my bed. Tears came flowing to my cheeks without effort. I don’t know why these tears are still here. I hate myself for being so emotional. Why does his words affect me so much? He’s words keeps on ringing in my head when I pass out.


Santana went upstairs. I fell so… actually I don’t know what to feel anymore. But one thing is for sure, when I saw tears on her pretty face, it seems like I’m a very bad person for making her cry. I didn’t mean to hurt her or to say those words to her. I feel like a total jerk.

“Are you okay?” Dad asks when he notice that I’m spacing out.

“huh? Erm… yeah why would I not be okay?”

“I don’t know, you look like you’re thinking about something else.”

“Oh, it’s about school… stuff.” I lied.

He patted my back. “Well, I’m going to bed, I still have some major jet lag.”

“Yeah, sure.”

Dad and Kris went to sleep fast, now only Craig and I are still up.

“What did you do to her?” Craig said.

“Huh?” I said raising my eyebrow.

“To Santana? Please don’t act innocent, I saw her crying.”

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