Charles Xavier- Picture (h)

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Since you were in your early twenties, you had lived with your now fiancée. And most recently, the two of you had moved to what your fiancée liked to call the X Mansion and you just decided to go along with it.

Your fiancée was the one and only Charles Xavier, and unfortunately your fiancée was paralysed a few years ago but he was coping extremely well with it.

Charles' perseverance made you love him even more.

Considering the fact that the two of you had just moved, into such a large home as well, there was still multiple boxes that needed to be unpacked and items that required a home – it would take a while, as you and Charles owned a lot of stuff as well as having so many rooms to fill which meant that there would be a lot of painting, a lot of designing and a lot of entertainment.

You were sorting through some boxes of pictures, as you wanted to decide which should be framed and put up.

You'd sat down on the floor, with pictures spread out all over the floor and boxes here, there and everywhere.

Charles rolled in, and smiled down at you "What are you doing Love?" he asked, with amusement laced in his tone as a result of your state.

"Looking through some photos, I want to get some of them framed and possibly other blown up onto canvases" you told him as he leant down to take one out of the box.

He smirked down at it, "Would you look at this" he told you as he showed you the picture.

You gasped and brought your hand up to your mouth.

The picture that Charles held was one of you and your ex-boyfriend, the two of you had dated when you were young teenagers and the relationship lasted for a year or so.

Your ex-boyfriend was the complete opposite of Charles – he wasn't a mutant, he rode a motorbike, had dreams of getting multiple tattoos and rarely working a day in his life.

Now that you thought about it, you couldn't exactly recall what you saw in him.

"Based on this picture" Charles said as he held it up, "I was not your type when we were younger" he joked.

You leant up to snatch the picture from his grasp, whilst Charles just laughed.

"I'm marrying you aren't I?" you spoke with sarcasm and Charles had a little mischievous smirk on his face.

Charles grabbed your hand, and you ended up on your knees "And I can't wait for you to be my wife"


Written by Hannah.

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