Scott Lang- Cupcakes (c)

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You had set up your own bakery after finding great trouble in putting your degree into any actual use. They had always taught you that once you got a degree you were certain to get a job in that field and everything was sorted for life. That was complete rubbish. You left university, got rejected from every job as you had no 'real life' experience. It was a catch-22. You needed experience to get a job, but you couldn't get experience without a job.

So rather than pursuing your degree you used all your savings to invest into a bakery. And surprisingly it worked. You did most of the work with only two employees working there, but you were also there at every waking moment. You opened the bakery in the morning and closed it at night. It was a long day and it took its toll but you enjoyed it nevertheless.

You had certainly started to value and appreciate your job in the last few weeks. It started off with a man coming in and just looked around. To be fair he looked homeless, scruffy and he had a peculiar smell about him, however he was attractive. He didn't buy anything though. His eyes connected with yours and he fled from the bakery.

The next day he arrived. He didn't smell, he was dressed a bit better and he looked quite presentable. This time he strode to the counter and initiated conversation. It was only small talk and he asked about what you'd suggest for him to eat. You suggested a simple vanilla cupcake.

For the next few weeks he'd come in and ask for the same thing, and twice a week he'd buy a chocolate cupcake with pink icing. You didn't ask questions about it though. He was just a customer that you knew you could rely on every day.

Today you looked at the clock waiting for the time to roll around. It was Saturday meaning he would be buying the two cupcakes so you had already prepared the best from the batch for him.

He walked in as expected.

"Good morning," he smiled.

"Good morning. One vanilla and one chocolate cupcake with pink icing and extra sprinkles?" you smiled in return.

You placed the small box onto the counter.

He handed you his money, hesitating as he did every day.

"Um... thanks," he said softly slowly turning on his heel to make his way out of your bakery.

Before you could argue with yourself you let words leave your mouth, "Wait, please."

He stopped, turning back to you.

"Did I forget something?" He asked.

"No. Um... I'm sorry. Just you've been coming in on schedule every day, you're my most reliable customer. Could I know your name?" You questioned awkwardly.

"I'm Scott."

"Y/N," you smiled, "um... could I ask you something?"


"Sorry. It's bothered me since you first came in. But why do you only get the second cupcake on Wednesdays and Saturdays?" You asked.

He let out a soft laugh stepping closer to the counter.

"It's for my daughter."

Your face dropped. He had a daughter. Of course it was too good to be true

"And your wife?" you said in an awkward tone, "does she... doesn't she like cupcakes?"

He smirked, "I'm not married. Divorced actually. I'm guessing your husband loves cake then?"

You grinned like a mad woman, attempting to stick to your sanity but you knew that was impossible, "I'm not married. I'm single. Not many guys appreciate this place."

"I appreciate it," he smiled.

You pushed your hair behind your ear, smiling up through your eyelashes.

"Um... I know this is a little forward but would you like to go out for dinner at some point?"

"Of course. If you give me your number, I can phone you and we can pick a time. I need to run currently as I'm supposed to pick up my daughter in ten minutes. Speaking of which doesn't it put you off knowing I'm a Dad?" He asked.

You began to write your number onto a napkin, "Not at all. You seem like a good dad. Well, all I can see is that you buy her cupcakes, you might throw them in her face or eat both in front of her as a cruel punishment for something. But I'm presuming you are a good dad. And that's nice."

He laughed taking the napkin you held out to him from you.

"I'll talk to you later Y/N, I'll also see you tomorrow for my morning cupcake."


Written by Charlotte. 

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