21. Thor

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Dialogue Prompt- 21. "We're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?"

You and your boyfriend were walking through the streets on your way home from your dinner date. Neither of you could drive and you didn't really want to pay for a taxi, and it was a nice night- well until now.

You were about ten minutes from your apartment when heavy rain fell down on top of you. Thor wrapped his rather large hand around your daintier one, pulling at your arm to make you speed up.

Digging your heels into the pavement you stopped him from speeding up.

He looked at you quizzically.

"I like the rain," you said softly.

A loud flash of lightning and rumble of thunder occurred. It made you jump slightly but you didn't mind it.

"We're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?"

You smiled at him.

"My last boyfriend was scared of thunder and there's something I've always wanted to do in heavy rain," you grinned at your boyfriend who was towering over you.

"What is that my love?" Thor smiled.

You bit down on your lip. Reaching up you rested a hand onto his shoulder pulling him down softly so you could reach him better.

Standing onto your tippy toes you pressed your lips to his in a soft kiss. It wasn't as romantic as you thought it would be. Your hair was being uncomfortably pressed to your forehead, and your hand was lying on his shoulder that was clad with damp fabric.

You pulled away to see your smiling boyfriend.

"You've always wanted to kiss someone in the rain?" he questioned.

"It's something that's in a lot of movies and I've always wanted to see what it's like," she smiled softly.

"Well I'm glad you are happy my love," he grinned.

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