Tony Stark- Mortality (c)

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You slid down the wall. As you sat on the floor you rested your elbows on your knees, using your hands to hold your chin up as you took a few deep breaths.

Never had you ever felt so scared and uncertain with anything you had ever done before. Tony knelt down in front of you with a chuffed expression on his face. You didn't understand why he was so happy about it, but he was nevertheless.

"What's wrong Y/N? You look like you've seen a ghost," Tony chuckled.

You frowned at him.

"'Ehhh' is not an acceptable answer."

"Yes it is!" He exclaimed at the point of you contradicting his answer to your previous question.

"Not when my question was, 'Is this going to explode?'"

You continued to frown at him as you tried to get your breathing back to a normal rate.

Tony and you had been working on an experiment, but it began to go slightly awry. From the experiment beginning to bubble and smoke, and you were almost certain that it shouldn't have done that, so you voiced your concerns in asking Tony whether it was supposed to occur. Then your train of thought led to you presuming it would explain, hence why you asked about it.

Just he was uncertain and that hadn't reassured you at all.

Luckily for the both of you, it didn't explode, Tony got it under control before it exploded, and now it was fine. Well it was fine other than you felt like you were about to pass out or throw up as you were still shaken up slightly from being very close to your possible demise.

"Well we survived didn't we? You shouldn't continuously worry about it, it's in the past," he shrugged sitting down taking your hands in his.

"Don't worry about it? We just nearly died. How can you be so calm about this? We nearly died Tony. Died. Death. Nothing. Darkness. Hell- well for you," you groaned trying to pull your hands from his but he held onto them, not in any way to cause you pain, but it kept you in place.

"Be optimistic Y/N/N, we didn't die. It's all okay. And anyway they happens a lot. This is like the sixth time today I've nearly died. When it happens so often it hardly affects you anymore," he shrugged.

"You know that's not a good thing right? You shouldn't have to face your own mortality multiple times a day," you frowned.

"Where's the fun in that?"


Written by Charlotte.

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