Natasha Romanoff- Proposal (c)

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Your relationship had lasted for nearly seven years, and through the whole thing you had been completely honest and upfront about your pasts and exactly what you thought and felt. It's what made you think was the clear reason as to why your relationship had prospered and worked so well.

However three days before your seven year anniversary, you had broken the vouch of honesty you and Natasha had formed all those years ago.

It seemed important at first and you certainly weren't arguing with that fact now. Not that Natasha's past affected your opinion of her all that much, you wouldn't be so certain if she had hidden it all from you. You didn't really have much to disclose, you had lived a fairly boring and average lifestyle.

Breaking the vow of full disclosure wasn't for anything malicious. You weren't having an affair or hiding a basket of dead puppies under the patio. It was something far more understandable to lie about. It was simply a surprise for her.

Seven years was a long time for your relationship to blossom to the point it was, granted for some it could be simply a blink of the eye, but with one of you being an avenger, it seemed impossible that you'd both be still alive at this point let alone happily together.

With the recent revelation of the country to accept that all love is equal, you had no other excuses to put off taking the next step.

You and Natasha had spoken about marriage before but nothing conclusive had come from it. So you decided that you'd be the one to take the leap and pop the question to the woman that you loved.

For the last few weeks you had been setting everything up and you just hoped that it could all be perfect. However Natasha had other ideas.

You were never the best liar, and you found your fault in your lie quite quickly. You had told Natasha you were helping Jane with a project, however you ignored the fact that your knowledge of science was minimal and you hadn't told Jane nor known the fact that she wasn't even in the country.

Somehow Natasha picked up on the fact you'd told her a few fibs.

She found the room you had been working on for nearly a month, clearing her throat in the doorway. You span on your heel, trying to stand in a natural pose whilst hiding as much as you could, you were failing miserably at it.

"It's not what it looks like..." you said with a lopsided smile.

"What's going on? Tony said the living room had been broken in a code green and needed fixing up," Natasha frowned.

"He... he lied. I'm... I'm sorry Nat. I was trying to do something special but I should've thought you'd figure out something was up," you whispered.

"What have you been doing?" She questioned.

You let out a sigh. Now was as good a time as any. You found the small box walking over to the redhead.

"I wanted it to be special. We met here and it is far from romantic, hence the decorations. And I hadn't completely finished sorting out what I wanted to say and I certainly didn't think I was in dungarees. But anyway Natasha I love you. I have since we first met. I never thought I'd fall in love and no matter what I learn about you I can't help fall in love with you a little bit more. You are so strong and so compassionate even if you try to hide it. You are the perfect woman and there is nothing I would change about you. Well there is one thing. I think you'd look a whole lot more smashing if you wore a ring," you knelt down on one knee showing her the ring in the box, "will you marry me?"


Written by Charlotte.

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