Wade Wilson- Cold (a)

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Outside the window the snow whirled and danced around the small cottage, the fire roared only a few feet from you, but the cold still bitterly attacked your body.

"Why can't you have a useful power like... I don't know the human radiator or something?" Wade laughed as he leant back, resting his head in his hands, and letting his almost naked form take up most of the space on the sofa.

"It isn't my fault that you decided to watch your aunt's cottage in December. We are in the middle of buttfuck nowhere in the middle of a blizzard. Ill be alright, if I lose my fingers to frostbite, they'll just grow back, you won't be so lucky."

"Yeah, well lucky you, can you put some more logs on the fire or something? Get me some more blankets from somewhere?" You struggled to speak as your teeth chattered against each other. "Oh, forget it we've already looked everywhere this is all we have."

"All we have." Wade scoffed. "I can barely see you under there, it isn't even that cold. Granted, I don't really feel the cold anymore but come on, we have a fire, blankets, the warm love of each other's hearts..." You plucked a pillow from behind your head and hurtled it towards Wade's face. "Easy tiger." He caught it from the air and sat it softly behind his back. "Look, what can I do to help? It wont look good if we come away for a romantic get away and end up bringing you home in a bag. Or should I just bury you here and say you were kidnapped...?"

You had no time and no wish to hear Wade's humour. "Heat me up. That's pretty much all I want right now."

"Alright, alright." Wade stood up, stretched his legs, and rolled his head deeply back. "Remember, you asked for this." Wade perched on the small dark wood coffee table that sat proudly in the centre of the room. He sat on his tiptoes, hands pressed together, and knees bent. He stood up, hands still joined but now above his head, he bent at the waist and pushed himself from the table and on top of you. "I saw this nature documentary once, and it said the best way to warm up in a survival situation is to share body heat." He pulled the mountain of blankets back and slid himself underneath. "Are you happy now?" He asked as his face smooched against yours.

"Ecstatic dear..."


Written by Aaron.

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