Johnny Storm- Flirting (h)

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You glared at your boyfriend as he flirted with yet another girl. You two had been dating for just over a year but he never stopped flirting with other girls.

He seemed to notice your glare so he said goodbye to the girl before he walked over to you.

"What's that glare for Baby?" he asked as he attempted to pull you into his arms "No Johnny" you stepped away from him "You are always flirting with other girls, whenever you aren't with me you will be flirting with another girl. I am sick of it Johnny. I am supposed to be your girlfriend and yet I sure don't feel like it" he looked shocked and he couldn't form words.

He reached out to you but you ran out of the club. You didn't bother hailing a cab; you just ran all the way back to the Baxter Building.

You didn't realise the tears streaming down your face until Reed grabbed your wrist "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" he asked placing his hand on your cheek "Ask your brother-in-law" Reed turned around and Johnny was stood there looking sorry for himself.

"I'm leaving" you shook off Reed's grip before pushing past Johnny. This time you hailed a cab and told the driver to go your old apartment on the outskirts of New York.

That was around 2 weeks ago. Johnny had tried to contact you constantly since then but you refused to answer any of his texts or calls. The only person you have spoken to was Reed. Reed was like a brother to you, he took care of you when you had nowhere to go so naturally he was the person you confided in.

Most of your belongings were at the Baxter Building as that was where you stayed so many times. You finally managed to get up the courage to go back and get your stuff. You knew Johnny would be there but you had to face him at some point.

"Y/N?" Ben asked as you walked in "Hey Ben. I'm just getting my stuff and then I will be gone" he smiled sadly at you.

You made your way to the room that you and Johnny used to share. You opened the door and you saw a very dishevelled Johnny. He looked like he hadn't slept at all or even showered for that matter and the Johnny you knew would shower at least twice a day.

He turned around and you gasped. He definitely didn't look like himself "I'm just getting my stuff Johnny" he sighed and pointed to the dresser "I haven't changed anything. Your stuff is just as it was before" you nodded.

You finished collecting all of your things. You left the room without speaking to Johnny again. You pressed the button for lobby once you were in the elevator and just as the doors were about to close someone slammed their hand against them to stop them from closing.

Johnny stepped into the elevator and just after the doors closed he pressed the emergency stop button "What do you want Johnny?" you crossed your arms whilst glaring at your ex-boyfriend "I want you back" you scoffed in disbelief "That isn't happening" you pressed the emergency stop button again causing the elevator to start moving.

"Y/N, please. I didn't realise what I was doing was hurting you so much. You are, well you were, my girlfriend. I love you and all the other girls I talked to couldn't possibly compare to you. I know how cliché this is, I know how stupid I sound right now but this is the only way that I can think of getting you back" he said, practically pouring his heart out to you.

You shook your head not wanting to get hurt again "I can't Johnny. You know I love you but the constant flirting kills me" he sighed.

The elevator doors opened and you quickly left in order to avoid more talking but you don't even get to the exit of the Baxter Building "Y/N" Johnny shouting making you turn around.

"Don't leave. Don't leave again. Just give me one more chance, I will prove that I am going to stop flirting with other girls" he said rather desperately and you could tell that he meant it.

You sighed before smirking "Pick me up at 6 Storm"


Written by Hannah.

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