Tony Stark/ Iron Man- How You Meet

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You inhaled deeply, flattening your skirt. You looked into the nearest car window, using it as mirror to see if you were presentable- luckily you looked fine.

With that you made your way into the building. You asked someone in the building for directions to the owner's office. Soon enough you were knocking on the door, worried of what would occur when the door opened.

It wasn't like this was your first job, or the first time you were a personal assistant to someone, but this time it was different. This time you were an assistant to an internationally known genius billionaire playboy philanthropist, which all you had heard of were horror stories of women who he manipulated into sleeping with him.

You heard a voice calling you into the room, so you complied and opened the door, walking in. There stood your new boss Tony Stark.

"Hello, who are you?" He asked.

"Hi. I'm y/n. I'm your new personal assistant," you explained.

"Well y/n, I'm Tony Stark but I guess you knew that. So what does a pretty little thing like you want to be my assistant for?" he smirked.

"I need a job, either this or prostitution, but I'm sure if I keep you at arm's length I won't catch anything doing this," you responded before instantly regretting every word.

"Although you did just insult me, I do believe I am going to like you. If you are willing to talk to me like that on the first day, we are going to have some fun," he chuckled.

You let out an awkward laugh. You knew that could have always gone a lot worse, so were glad that you still had a job after being at it for only a matter of minutes.

"So Mr Stark, what would you like me to do first?" you asked softly.

You hoped he wouldn't try to be smart or witty about it, but you knew it'd be a long shot, for him to give you a normal straight answer.

"I can think of a lot of things you can do," he smirked, "But first call me Tony, we will be seeing a lot of each other, and I mean a lot of each other."

You let out a sigh. Even though you knew you didn't want to be a just on another name on an extremely long list of Tony Stark's victims, you were very much attracted to him. You couldn't put your finger on why, but you were intrigued by the man.

"Actually you should get to know JARVIS, he will be your best friend. He will make your job a whole lot easier as he can basically do anything you need, I just need a human assistant to do the bits that he cannot," Tony explained.

You nodded before listening to him ramble on about his AI system, and how little he actually needed you, but you didn't mind. Either way, whether you had a lot of work or not, you still got an extremely high pay.  



I hope you liked it.

If you have any suggestions or requests comment or PM me.

Thank you.


P.S. I saw Avengers Age of Ultron today. Have you seen it? It is great. What did you guys think of it.

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