Steve Rogers- Cherokee_Rose55

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Valerie's POV

I sighed again. This wasn't going well, nothing was going well anymore. I threw the book away from me, not really sure which direction I had thrown it in. A loud groan came from across the room.

"Steve?" I questioned.

"Yeah it's me. Why did you throw your book at me?" he asked.

I felt the bed dip next to me as an arm wrapped around me and the book was placed back on my lap.

"I don't understand it. I didn't think it would be this hard, I am no longer self-sufficient, I can't even walk to the bloody bathroom on my own anymore," I whispered trying not to cry.

He pressed his lips to my temple rubbing his hand on my arm.

"I know sweetie. It isn't going to be easy, it is going to get harder before it gets any easier, but you're doing so well and you'll get used to it. And until then, I'm enjoying spending every day stuck to you like glue," he chuckled, kissing my cheek.

I laughed softly leaning into his side as he pulled me closer.

"But I thought of something that could make it so much easier for you," he stated.

He moved his arm from around me before he got up. I could hear his footsteps leaving the room before he walked back into the room with what sounded like soft scratching against the floor.

"Steve? What is that?" I whispered.

I still hadn't gotten used to this. It'd been a month since the accident, and now I was blind. I thought that I'd be able to cope so much better than I currently am, but it was hard.

This life was so different, so new to me. I had to learn braille, but I couldn't grasp it yet, I could barely walk a metre without falling over or walking into something, so Steve had taken it upon himself to spend every waking moment with me to try to help me. Steve was so loving and selfless, it hurt to know that he was spending all his time caring for me, when he could be doing so much more.

We had been together for over a year and I convinced myself that any moment he'd just leave because this was too much to handle, but he hadn't. He didn't seem like he was getting any further away from me, if anything we had become so much closer since the accident.

"I got you a friend that will be able to help you through this," he said softly sitting down next to me again.

"What are you talking about Stevie?" I laughed softly completely confused.

Something touched my leg making me flinch.

"What was that?" I gasped.

I could hear Steve laughing.

"That was Quinn, your new dog," he chuckled.

"A dog, why did you get me a dog?" I asked still confused.

"A guide dog, Quinn will be able to help you, you'll be given a chance to be self-sufficient and do stuff for yourself. If I had it my way I would help you constantly every second of every day, but soon enough you'll learn to throw stuff in the correct direction, so that will not end well for me. I just want you to be happy, and we talked about getting a dog, so this was perfect timing I guess," he chuckled.




This is for Cherokee_Rose55, I'm sorry for the delay and I hope you like it.

If you would like to request an imagine comment or PM me.

Thank you.


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