20. Tony Stark (c)

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Dialogue Prompts- 20. "You need to wake up because I can't do this without you."

It had been a long night. You had so much paperwork to do that you ended up getting to bed in the wee hours of the morning. You had to get the work done at some point and you were on a role. Also sleep is for the weak, you did not need to sleep and you planned to stay awake as long as it took you to do your work.

Now you regretted that decision.

Last night you completely forgot that you were supposed to wake up to help your husband set up all the food for the annual Avengers picnic. This year you and Tony were in charge of cooking all of the food as each year the role was rotated.

You were expected to be there by two with all of the food, so you were supposed to wake up early to start it all. Tony had no idea how to cook very well, and you were adamant to cook it all rather than pay someone to do it for you.

About three hours after schedule of when you should have been up, someone violently shook your shoulders, simply only getting a groan in response.

"Wake you Y/N," Tony frowned.

You folded the pillow so that it covered your face. He shook your shoulders again.

"You need to wake up because I can't do this without you."

You pushed the pillow away from your face, opening your eyes to a mere slit.

"Don't be so dramatic," you groaned.

"Then get up. You promised them the best picnic for years. Did you see the food last year? Laura cooked it all even if Clint took credit for it. We need to kick this out of the park, literally. So get up we are so behind," he pouted.

"You are acting like a child on Christmas morning. It is only a picnic. We have some of the stuff done and some of it started. It'll all be okay," you stated sitting up rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands allowing yourself to yawn.

He tugged on your arm again.

"Y/N. You won't let me pay someone to make everything, so you need to help. I don't particularly won't to burn down the building trying to make lunch," he frowned.

"Fine I'm getting up. Make me a cup of tea and give me a minute to try and figure out how to survive on like two hours sleep," you sighed.


Written by Charlotte Stemp.

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