Clint Barton- Your Girl (h)

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You had been waiting for Clint to get home for hours now, he said he would be back for dinner tonight at around 6:30 and he was going to talk to Tasha for you but now it was 9:30 and still no sign of your soon-to-be husband.

Clint had been at the Avengers Tower for the past couple of the days and he rang you this morning saying he was coming home for the weekend. The Avengers didn't know about you, you had been dating Clint since around 6 years ago and you had been engaged for 1 year but because of his job you hadn't been able to get married yet. The only one of Clint's colleagues that knew about you was Natasha and she was your best friend.

You and Natasha had known each other since Clint took you out on your first date and she was definitely your best friend from the word go.

Clint had asked you not to ever go to the Avengers Tower because Clint wanted you to stay off the radar at least until you were married because he was paranoid about you not being protected enough but you had always been the stubborn type of girl so you knew you could hold your own if you needed to besides it wasn't like you were going to walk into a fight just to prove yourself.

You decided to go to the Avengers Tower in order to find Clint as you were tired of waiting. Clint learned very early on in your relationship that you weren't the most patient person ever.

You pulled up outside the Tower and immediately saw Clint's car. You climbed out of your car and put on your, well Clint's, flannel shirt as you didn't really expect the breeze. You may live in New York but you were from Texas so pretty much anything was cold to you and it took a lot to make you sweat.

You walked into the Tower and the receptionist looked you up and down "Can I help you?" she asked and you nodded "Yeah. I am here to see Clint Barton" you said crossing your arms. She looked on her computer "I can't see an appointment but you aren't going to do any harm. He's on the top floor" she said and you smiled "Thank you" she smiled at you before you went to the lift.

The lift opened up to reveal some sort of living area where the Avengers sat along with your best friend and fiancée. The only reason you knew about the other Avengers was because Clint told you who they were and what they looked like.

Natasha looked over and smiled "Y/N" she said running over and hugging you "Hey Tasha" you said hugging her back "I haven't seen you in ages" she said smiling and you nodded "Blame him" you nodded your head to Clint.

Natasha led you over to the rest of the Avengers "This is Y/N. Be nice" she glared at them all apart from Clint and they all looked nervous "Y/N, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" the man you knew as Tony Stark commented and you rolled your eyes which made Clint chuckle.

"Sorry Stark, she's taken" Clint said as he stood up and wrapped his arm around your waist "Big time" he said and you laughed "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, Clint's fiancée. Sorry we haven't been introduced sooner" you introduced yourself.

"How did Bird Brain land you?" Tony asked and you smirked "Oh I don't know. Maybe because he doesn't act like a total playboy" you said and he gasped "Wow Barton, your girl has guts" Tony stated. 


Written by Hannah. 

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