Nick Fury- MrsStilettoMikaelson (h)

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You woke up breathing heavily. And in an attempt to calm yourself down you started to take deep breaths but that took a while to work.

Once you were calm you started to look around the place you were in. You didn't recognise any of your surroundings and you started to hyperventilate again.

A tall man with dark skin wearing a black eyepatch over one of his eyes and he was dressed in all black. He looked very intimidating and that fact only made you hyperventilate even more.

He slowly walked to you as you calmed yourself but you started to shake afterwards making the strange man place his hand on your shoulder.

"Don't worry. You are safe here" he said in a comforting voice "Where am I? Why am I here? Why can't I remember anything" you asked frantically shaking even more "You are on what we call the helicarrier, it's owned by SHIELD" he said and you slowly backed away.

SHIELD had always been after you and your brother Aaron, the two of you were different, you could control things that normal people shouldn't be able to control as could your brother.

Your brother would be the one to look after you and protect you but he disappeared a month ago, you haven't heard from him since.

"Y/N, I am not going to hurt you" the man said holding his hands up "Sure" you said glaring softly at him "I really am not going to hurt you" he said moving closer to you again "My name is Nick Fury. I run things around here" he still used that comforting voice when he spoke.

You shook your head not wanting to talk to this man because you still didn't know why you were with SHIELD, you knew what was wrong with you and you hated it but you didn't see why people wanted you because of it.

"Why should I trust you? I have trusted people before and that ended badly" you said and he sighed "Miss Y/L/N, we are not here to hurt you. None of us are" he attempted to smile at you but you could tell it was something different for him.

You shook your head again. People say they aren't going to hurt you but they still do, there isn't much of a point in opening yourself up to people anymore. You lost your parents and now your brother so there isn't any reason for you to do anything for anyone.

Nick sighed and sat down next to you. He didn't say anything but placed his arm around your shoulder and when you didn't pull away he pulled you into his side allowing you to cuddle up to him a little.

You knew you didn't know this man but if he is nice enough to comfort you like this then maybe he is worth talking to.

"We found your brother Y/N, he helped us find you" Nick said as he held you close and you immediately shot up "Please take me to him" you begged.

He chuckled and stood up. He offered you his hand which made you blush slightly but you took it anyway.


Written by Hannah.

Requested by MrsStilettoMikaelson

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