Scott Summers- Two and A Half Years (h)

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"Y/N" Bobby called out to you "Yes Bobby?" you asked turning to face him "Want to play some table football with us?" you smiled "Sure. Let's do this" the students laughed as you walked over "I will win" you stood at your side of the table as Bobby stood at his whilst Rogue and John stand at either head of the table.

You were a teacher at Xavier's School for the Gifted and had been for a while. Being a teacher was different but fun, you got along with all of the students and as it wasn't like a normal school you were allowed to mess around with the students and have a good time with them.

"Is that Cyclops' jacket?" Rogue asked as you sat with her after winning table football as you said you would "Yes. Don't tell him I stole it" you pressed your finger to your lips and she giggled.

As a result of working at the school you met Cyclops aka Scott Summers and you had started dating him around 2 and a half years ago. You two were very happy together and he treated you amazingly well.

"I stole Bobby's jumper this morning. It's really comfy" Rogue said and you smiled "I don't really think he minds" she nodded "He hasn't realised and I was wearing it practically all day" she turned around and looked at Bobby who was play fighting with John.

You heard someone clear their throat and you looked to the doorway to see your boyfriend leaning against it "OOOOOHHH" all of the students shouting as you got up and walked towards him "Why are you wearing my jacket?" he asked placing his hands on your hips "Because I can" he chuckled.

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder "We're going out" he grabbed his other leather jacket off of the coat hanger and put it on "Yes Sweetie. We are" he smirked "You know what I meant Love" he held out his hand to you and you took it.

"We're going on the bike?" you asked almost in disbelief "Yeah. Is that alright?" you nodded pretty much instantly "You know I love the bike" Scott got on the bike "Come on then" he said holding out his hand to you again "Okay, okay" you got on behind him and wrapped you arms around his waist.

The garage door opened and Scott sped out. You smiled and kissed his cheek "Preferably not now Love" he said and you laughed.

Your arms tightened around Scott as he went round a bend rather fast but Scott just laughed "You know I won't let you fall off" he said over the noise of the bike "You better not" you teased.

All too soon Scott stopped and got off of the bike before helping you off too "Where are we?" you asked looking around "Look" he said wrapping his arm around your waist. Scott brought you too a cliff that over looks the school and all of its grounds.

You sat down on the grass and Scott sat next to you "It's so pretty" you cuddled up to Scott "Oh I don't know. I'm smitten by the girl next to me" you looked up at him and blushed "You know how to flatter a girl" he laughed and kissed the top of your head.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Scott asked with a soft voice "Of course I do. I was sitting on the steps of the school and you came and asked me if I was okay" he nodded "You looked so sad and I didn't want to let you stay like that" you lifted your head and kissed his cheek "I was surprised when someone sat next to me" he chuckled lightly.

"I still can't believe we've been together for 2 and a half years" you said more to yourself than to Scott "Best 2 and a half years of my life" he mumbled kissing the top of your head again.


Written by Hannah.

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