Matt Murdock- Marvel_Is_Perfection

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Cassandra's POV

I panted, my hands were pressed to my knees as I attempted to catch my breath. Looking around the room I saw the three men covered in blood lying on the floor of the living room. I had only just moved in with my boyfriend Matt, and within the first week our apartment had been broken into.

I knew about Matt being a vigilante, and I knew about him being the one who was fighting against the Russians in town. Although I knew all of this about him, the thought of them breaking into our apartment, and attempting to kill both of us never crossed your mind.

The two of us had been having dinner when three men broke into our apartment. Matt did his best to fight them, but he clearly needed my assistance, so I did help, granted I wasn't too much help, but I helped at least a bit nevertheless.

Matt turned to me wiping the blood from his face.

"Are you okay Cassandra?" he questioned walking slowly towards you.

"Yeah I'm fine," I whispered.

"Why did you do that? You should have hid yourself rather than attempting to fight them, you could have got yourself killed," he frowned, anger rising in his voice.

"You would've been killed if I didn't help," I frowned.

"That would have been better than you dying. How could you be so reckless?"

I snorted.

"Why are you shouting at me? I'm fine, you're fine, I was hardly being reckless trying to help my boyfriend when some psychos broke into our apartment," I retorted.

"This is my job, it's not yours. You need to be careful Cassandra," he hissed.

"Okay, I'll be bloody careful Matt. I'm going back to my old apartment, phone me when you find a better way of conveying your emotions," I frowned grabbing my jacket and handbag, before stomping out of the apartment with Matt shouting behind me.

Luckily for me I still owned my old apartment so I could go and hide there until Matt calmed down. All I was doing was trying to help, and I didn't deserve that response from him.


The next morning I woke up to hearing someone knocking on the front door of my apartment. Opening the front door I saw a sad looking Matt.

"I'm sorry Cassandra, I just want to keep you safe," he whispered.

"It's okay," I said in the same quiet tone.

"No it's not. If anything happened to you, I don't know whether I'd be able to survive. I love you Cassandra, I want to be able to keep you safe. I shouldn't have shouted at you, but I was so scared you'd get hurt," he smiled softly.

A smile crept onto your lips. You leaned forward wrapping your arms around Matt pressing your lips softly to his.




This was requested by Marvel_Is_Perfection, I hope you liked it, it's not great, I'm sorry. If anyone would like to request an imagine, then PM me or comment.

Thank you.


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