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A/N: Wrote this at around three in the morning- personally those turn out to be the odder ones. Who would've guessed.

Enjoy! Little more on what Addison was doing when she was away! Xx ~Mel




      Derek's eyes grew wider as he took in what I said. "Please tell me you're kidding."

      "I wish I was, trust me." I hesitantly looked over to my wrist, Derek's hand gripped around my bracelets.

      Derek released me and put more space between us. He frustratedly paced by his car, "I understand how stupid this sounds coming from a werewolf, but demons? Like biblical demons? Satan's workers?"

     "More like his bitches." I nodded, taking my bottom lip between my teeth in attempt to decrease the pain running like fire around my forearm. I looked back up to him. "Don't be stupid about it. Don't go after them blindly. Rosalie was just-"

      Derek stopped cold, "You knew her? Addison, what the hell?"

      "Last chance," Lydia pulled up behind me, inspecting her latest manicure.

      "Coming," I called, keeping my eyes locked with Derek's. I quieted my voice to keep Lydia from hearing. "Don't be stupid about it, Derek." I wirled around, sliding into the car.

      "Why were you talking to Derek Hale?" Lydia asked, pushing a strand of hair from her face before joining the line of students trying to leave.

      "He was asking about Stiles," I lied cleanly, shooting Stiles a text that he'd have to fend for himself on food tonight. I looked out my window, Derek's eyes fixed on me.

      As much as he tried to be tough, I was braking down his sourwolf facade. It was all in his eyes, something he'd never admit to. He was scared.

      Rubbing my wrist lightly, Lydia shot me a look I hadn't seen for a few months.

     "I though you said you were better." Lydia's school boldness slipped away, true concern laced in her voice as she spoke softly.

      "I was." I couldn't meet her eyes as the Macy's came into view. "Not so much any more."

      "What did that month away do to you?" Lydia asked astoundedly, pulling into a parking space.

      But I stayed in my withering silence, unsure of what to say. To be honest, I didn't know where to start.

      The stain was still there in the beach house, the dried blood that had leaked through the carpet that had been ripped up. That night, it was where one of my best friends took her last fall as a human.


      "Does she seem different to you?" I blurted to Scott, my focus on my sister instead of the movie.

      Scott paused The Dark Knight, "Who? Addi?" He shrugged, "A bit." He scratched his head, "Y'know, there was one thing. I didn't hear her in the library today, and it happened again. At lunch, I tried to pin her voice from across the room, but I couldn't." He looked over to me with a concerned expression, "She was talking, but I couldn't hear her."

      I laughed, that not possible. He's got extreme werewolf hearing, "You sure?"

      "Extremely. It's just her. I can hear everyone but her." Scott fell into thought, "It's like she's blocking me."

      I replied with a confused look, "What, like she's got some sort of magical powers or something?"

      Scott shrugged, "I don't know, I just can't hear her unless she right by me." He rubbed his arm where his tattoo is, "What did she say she was doing when she was gone?"

      "She didn't. Never talked about it." I pulled out my phone, tempted to call her.

      "You might want to think about asking."



      I tucked under the impala owned by Dean Winchester, a bullet lodging in the wooden shack just behind me.

      "Addison?" Sam's voice traveled a ross the junkyard, rock salt blasting over head.

      "I'm good!" I shout, wriggling under the body of the '67. Aiming at the figure going at Dean, I forced it's disappearance with one round just as Dean ran out of ammo.

      "Thanks." Dean called in annoyed tone as he fixed his light brown hair, that being the second time i've save his ass this week.

      I rolled him two rounds before crawling out from the black impala. "Don't mention it."

      "Trust me, I won't." Dean grumbled, reloading his rifle. "Sammy!"

      "Here." The taller Winchester with shaggy brown hair limped over, a gash along his leg. "I think we're all clear. For now."

      "You didn't see her, did you?" I asked hesitantly, knowing that I personally hadn't seen the appearance of billowing blonde curls for three days.

      Sam and Dean shook their heads, Sam staggering to patch up his leg.

      Dean opened the trunk and opened his bag, "Ads." He whistled to catch my attention. "I heard that where you life has a known rep for unexplained 'animal' attacks." He pulled out a tiny gold locket. "It prevents the hearing capability of any supernatural being." Dean trained green eyes on me as he placed the necklace in my cupped hand. "Promise me you'll wear it."

      "I promise." I exchanged a fist bump with Dean, earning a small grin.

      "Good kid." He ruffled my hair childishly before shutting his trunk. "Ready to go kill some sons of bitches?"

      "Are we going on that double wendigo case in Washington?" I questioned, clasping the chain around my neck and dropping the heart into the material of my blue hoodie.

      "Hell yeah!" Dean said giddily, slapping Sam as he went around to get in the drivers side.


      "Addison? Hello?" Lydia's voice over powered my nostalgia, her tone leaning towards impatient.

      I absently toyed at my necklace, "What?" I took in my surroundings, Lydia and I curled up in blankets in her living room in our pyjamas, The Notebook playing.

      "I asked if you wanted the Ben and Jerry's we got earlier." Lydia repeated, mildly used to my memory trances.

      "Yeah, sure." I tied up my hair into a messy bun, "Sorry."

      "Don't worry about it." Lydia waved a hand, heading for the kitchen.

      "Could you grab me a water too?" I called, watching Ryan Gosling with a beard that only sort of suited him.

      Lydia padded back into the room, two ice cream pints and two spoons in her hands. "Phish Food for you and Cherry Garcia for me." She said happily as she handed mine to me, wriggling back under the blankets.

      I glanced down, the tv making a reflection on the gold heart on my chest.

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