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A/N: Praise the lord for half days of school. Not much of an authour's note today, but tell me what you think of this chapter! Here's thirteen!



      I rubbed under my eyes, still overly sleepy. The red bull wasn't helping. "I'll leave that lovely information with you, but I need to get some sleep." I wanted my bed and to sleep forever. "I'm gonna go home."

      "I don't live in a cave, Addison." Derek nodded behind him, "just crash here."

      I glanced across the room, Derek's bed across the loft. I shook my head, "I'm not sleeping in your bed."

      Derek rolled his eyes, "Then there's a sofa over there if you're going to be complicated."

      "Fine." I grumbled, running a hand down my face. "Wake me up before three. If i'm not there when Stiles gets home, i'm screwed." Padding over to the sofa, I dropped myself and fell asleep then and there.

      "Derek, what the hell?" Isaac's voice seeped into my mind. "Why is she sleeping on yout bed?" There was a fumble, an exchange of bodies hitting the wall.

     "Calm down," Derek groweled, a shift of what came off as him shoving Isaac off, "She fell asleep on the couch, I just moved her to the bed."

      "Why was she here in the first place?" Isaac asked loudly, clearly startling me, "Addi." A body hovered over me, a hand pressing on my shoulder. "Ads."

      I slowly opened my eyes, Isaac bent down to check on me. "Hey," I mumbled, the side of Derek's bed coming into view instead of where I fell asleep.

      "I left school early to check on you and you weren't home." Isaac looked at me worridly, "I thought they'd taken you."

      "Sorry, I should've texted." I carefully sat up, my head fuzzy as I did. "I was working on a plan and forgot to sleep, so, when I got here to show it to," I ambled a finger over at Derek, shit tired and unable to conjure his name. "My red bull didn't help."

      Isaac pulled me up from Derek's bed, steadying me as I wobbled. "Well actually, Mathis took notice you weren't around. That's why I came to check on you. He left ten minutes before I did."

      I woke up more, aware of what it sounded like he was trying to say, "So he's coming after me?"

     "Isn't that why they put him in the school? To watch you?" Derek asked, leaning on the table, my papers still set out.

      I sucked on the inside of my cheek, "I'm not there so he comes to make sure i'm still peachy so he can kill me later. Lovely." I checked my watch; 2:54. "I need to get home." I collected my papers, stuffing them into my bag and heading for the door. "Bye gu-"

      "Addison." Derek called, a skateboard, a shiny new lilac pennyboard getting thrown to me.

      I caught it with wide eyes, "Wh-"

      "Those don't break as easily." He stated simply.

      I bit back a smile, Isaac scowling from behind Derek. "Thanks." I said quickly, jogging out of the building and dropping the pennyboard at an angle to catch speed on the sidewalk.

      I needed to get home and proof the house, or atleast do something to keep Mathis out. I'd done enough to make him not care about Crowley's concequences; he'd kill me if he felt it appropriate.

      I pushed as hard as I could, the sidewalk clicking every time my wheels ran over a drivet. I shouted an apology to the car that nearly hit me and again to the post officer I almost ran down. I had to get home, right now.

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