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Sony straitened the tie on her uniform and looked herself over in the mirror making sure everything was set. She sighed and went to lie back in her bed. After the traumatizing incident with Ivan and Jagger, the brothers then kept on commenting on Sony's 'will to live' and dropped her off at her house. Jagger left Sony a smirk before saying.

"See you Monday."

Sony shivered at the memory, and now her comes her dreaded day. But, would the sadist brothers dare to frighten Sony with Vincent around? He is coming back to school after all, hopefully the two would back off for today.

"Sony! There's a young man for you at the door~!"

The girl froze at her bed. A boy? Sony then shot up from her bed and ran out of her room and down the stairs to the house entrance. There, standing in the door way of her house, was Vincent. Sony's eyes were wide in disbelief as she stared at the emotionless boy and her mother who was standing next to him. Her mom turned to Sony with her hands clasped together and eyes glimmering with joy.

"I-Is this another friend!" Sony put her hands up with a embarrassed face.

"No! I mean, yes! It's sorta like-, I mean we are-!" Her mother then gasped and looked from her daughter to the young man at the entrance who still carried an impassive face. She then put both her hands on her face.

"Could this be a boyfriend!"

"Mom!" Sony's face reddened at the comment and covered her face with her hands. Boyfriend! Vincent! She looked over at Vincent to see his reaction, but the teen only seemed confused by the current event.

"My daughter is not allowed to have a boyfriend." Sony froze up at the dark voice and turned around to see her dad behind her with a menacing aura. No! Wasn't her dad suppose to be at work by now! Her mother than pouted at her husbands response and linked her arm with Vincent's making the boy jump at the sudden contact with wide eyes.

"Honey~, come on! He might look a little scary, but besides that he's such a handsome boy!" Vincent blinked at the two arguing couple. Handsome? There's another adjective no one ever gave him. Vincent again felt that warm feeling in his chest, causing a small smile to come to his face.

Sony looked back and forth between the parents. This is embarrassing! How could her parents act like this in front of Vincent! The girl quickly grabbed her bag and ran up to Vincent grabbing his arm and sprinting out the door giving her parents one last 'goodbye'.

It wasn't until the two were far down the street that Sony let go of Vincent's arm and was leaned over panting. After catching her breathe she looked back up at the teen who was still with the same face.

"I'm really sorry about my parents, they're so embarrassing." Vincent looked at Sony with a confused face. Embarrassing? Vincent didn't think Sony's parents were embarrassing, he actually thought the couple were pleasant.

"No, they weren't embarrassing. In fact, I liked them." Sony turned her head up to Vincent with a raised eyebrow.

"You . . . liked them?" Sony was then surprised to see a smile grace his features.

"Handsome. It's a word, no one has ever complimented me with." The boy continued to keep a grin on his face, Sony blinked in surprise at the boy. He became so happy over such small things. It made a small part of her heart pang. Vincent must of never lived in a warming atmosphere. She looked down at the ground trying to avoid his gaze, she really should thank him some how. Also, it would make the adolescent probably even happier if he got some praise.

"Actually, I have a question for you Sony." The girl jumped as she was interrupted in her thought and looked at Vincent who was now furrowing his eyes and studying the ground. Sony titled her head.

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