He's HOTT!!!

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Sorry for the short chapters, i will try to make them longer when i get more into the story! thanx for all your reads! Dedicated to xxWhoAteMyCookiexx for having awesome stories! Remember, comment, vote, i want to know what u think about my stories. or just private message me. if you want, please make me a great cover page, thanx!

<3 ninja turtle


"Shut up!" I screeched as I reached over and threw my alarm clock at the wall. Oops, anger management. My mom's not going to be happy about buying me another alarm clock. Oh, well. I sighed and flipped over.

"I wonder when mom and dad are going to be back."I asked myself.

You see, they are the kind of parents that go on lots of trips around the world, so they let me stay at home alone. I'm fine with it, but sometimes I miss them when they're not around to see me make the soccer team or comment on the scores I got last semester in school. But, it's cool. It's not like I'm a baby or anything.

Suddenly I heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Hey, baby girl! Guess what? We're home early! And we brought you something!" My dad almost squealed when he said that. I had to smother a laugh. Well, at least they don't change.

"Howard, What are you doing? I told you to let her sleep for another hour. School doesn't start for two and a half hours!" My mom shouted from the kitchen. At least, I think it was from the kitchen.

"Oh, crap! Today was school. Damn!" I thought to myself.

"Well, I wanted to give her her surprise early!" He shouted back, jumping up and down. This time I did giggle. My dad acts like he's five instead of thirty-seven.

"So, dad," I said sleepily. "What was so important that you got me up and hour early when you could have let me sleep?"

"Well, you have to get up and see. Your present is in the garage." He shouted. I winced. Why does he have to be a morning person? Then what he said caught up with my very slow sleep deprived brain.

"No, it couldn't be. They didn't...did they?" I  jumped out of bed. When I looked over at my dad, I found him smiling so big I thought he would crack his face. I raced down the and into the garage. there, sitting in the middle of the garage like it was meant to and always was there, was a brand-new shining 1985 licorice red corvette. I squealed like a little girl at christmas!

"Oh, my gawd!" I shouted, running around the... my new car! I looked at the color and it was just perfect!

I tuned around and saw my parents standing in the doorway. I rushed over to them and gave both of them a back-breaking hug. they smiled and let go of me.

"So...does that mean you like it?" My mom asked hopefully, her eyes shining.

"No." I said. She looked crestdfallen. "I love it!" she smiled brightly. she hugged me again.

"Now, the rules. no speeding, no scratching, no racing, and no cavorting, otherwise known as doing the nasty in the back of the car." My dad told me, grinning.

"Okay ewww, dad! TMI! I didn't need to hear the last one. And besides, I don't have a boyfriend... or a girlfriend." I quickly added when I saw a mischevious glint in my dad's eye.

"Okay," he said, holding his hands up. "Just making sure. We will still love you, you know."

"No, dad, I don't like girls like that." I said tiredly, then smiled at him.

I hugged both of them again. "thank you," I told them again. They smiled and went back inside. I looked at my watch. I still had an hour left. I ran upstairs to take a shower. While the hot water was running down my back, I thought to myself. "Why did they come back early? My car was probably an early birthday present since they missed it last week. Well, it's not like I'm complaining they're back early. I'm glad I can see them again." I told myself as I dried off and put on my new clothes me and Chantal shopped for yesterday. There were blue DC sneakers, a ripped-up pair of jeans, and a brown aeropostle shirt made for boys. I topped that off with my signature blue and green hoodie. I just finished tying my hair into a ponytail when I heard a stampede coming. Oh, wait, no, never mind, those were my irritating boy toys who threw me into the lake! Just kidding! I love them all to death. They burst through the door.

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