Chapter 41

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"Finally." A deep, very old voice said. 

"Who are you?" I demanded. 

'The person who your puny mission has been about." 

"So you're the sorcerer." 

He chuckled as if that was a good joke. "You could say that." 

"SHOW YOURSELF!" Nat yelled. Wow, who knew Nat could be so demanding. 

"So bold. If only your petty little life would last longer." 

"It will. Yours won't you old fart!" I said. Don't ask me where old fart came from, it just came.

"Ha! Good luck." He said and we didn't hear him again. 

"Let's go. We have an old fart to kill." I said. 

"Yes, he will be the one who dies, not us." So we walked deeper into the tomb. 

We came to a turn where we had to choose one of five tunnels. "Do we split up?" Maddie asked. 

"No! Definitely not! We would be separated and if someone was in trouble, there's nothing we could do. That's probably what the sorcerer wants us to do." 

"True, but we could cover more ground." Maddie argued. 

"No! It's not happening." I persisted. That was that. I'm glad they finally listened. "Which one?" 

"How about that one?" Nat asked and pointed to the one on the far left. 

"Sure." So off we went down the tunnel. I was concerned. What was going to happen next? Would we run into the sorcerer or someone else? What was going to come? So many questions and we had no answers. The sorcerer did have something on his side, which was the element of surprise. 

I was going to be answered within the next hour though, but of course I didn't know that. We were walking down the hall when I finally realized how hungry I was. "Stop!" Everyone stopped immediately. 

"What?" Nat asked urgently. 

"I'm hungry." 

"Seriously Candace? You almost gave me a heart attack." 

"I need fuel for the fight!" I insisted. 

"Fine." Nat sighed. "We might as well load up on food and water. Who knows when we'll eat again." 

"Yes!" I was happy now. After all, the last thing I'd eaten had been forced out of my body, by some unpleasant sights. I ate hungrily and we all finished the rest of the food. 

"This'll either be the last time we're alive and eating, or we will be flying home so we can buy new food." Maddie pointed out. We had tons of water bottles left so we left four of them so we could fight easier with less weight if we were forced to fight with our backpacks. I also boxed our money and stuffed it into my pocket. If we were captured ad our backpacks were taken, then we could at least get home and buy food. 

"That was good!" I said. I really enjoyed all the food I had eaten, which was a lot. I only hoped that I wouldn't see any bones or muscles sticking out again. 

Off we went again. We'd taken a twenty minute break so the thing/person would probably come soon. "Guys, something’s coming." I said. 

"Yeah, well we knew that." Nat said. 

"I mean right now." The hairs on the back of my neck stood up like they seemed to do when danger was coming. Last time that happened, well I'm pretty sure I died. 

We all grabbed our wands from our pockets and backpacks and got ready. "Keep walking." So we went further into the tunnel unt9il we entered a big room at the end of it. 

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