Chapter 29

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I dreamt of Brooke and Brent again. 

"Brent, it's time." Brooke said. 

"Yep, let's get a taxi." I knew what they meant the magic was coming. They were going to use magic on normal people. "We can just use the magic on computers and type their names in. Then we can see where they are, and we can go there." 

So they drove to the train station and found a computer. They typed in Nat and my names. "Okay, haci." Show, Brent said. Sure enough it showed the train and the place that Nat and I took and went. "Let's book the next train to the City of the Dead." Brooke said. 

Then my dream switched and I saw my mom and dad. Dad had just entered the house as if he just came back from seeing us on the train, which I actually think he just did come back. Mom rushed towards him. 

"Did you find them?" 

"Yes, I found the girls." He said sadly. 

"Where are they?" Mom demanded. 

"I let them stay, Emma. I wanted them to come too. They killed Romo and M-Mohammad." I wondered why he had such a hard time saying Mohammad. 

"They did?" Mom almost was yelling. "That's GREAT Steve! Your enemy Mohammad is gone!" 

"Mohammad, killed Natalie's dad and her mom! They were our best friends. I had to go after them, but all I got was this." Dad lifted up the sleeve of his t-shirt and I saw to fang marks that dented his skin and some skin was missing. Now that I think about it, Mohammad did have some pretty nasty teeth problems. I guess he had been alive when braces and brushing teeth hadn't been invented yet. "This is from two years ago, Emma! It still hurts everyday." 

"Now he's gone. It's great! I'm so proud of our girls. To bad Brent couldn't have gone too." 

"I know dear, I know." 

Then I woke up. 

"Candace," Two people were leaning over me. I recognized one which was Nat, and there was a redhead who had a fair complexion, long hair, and she looked tall and slim. "Candace, you're awake!" Nat said relieved. 

"Yes, what-" Then I remembered. "Are you Kendra?" I asked the other girl. 

"Yes I am, and I owe you my life! You gave me mine again, and for that I must thank you." 

"You're welcome. How long was I out?" 

"Only an hour." 

"Good now let's move." 

"No, Candace you have to get better. Then we have to make Maddie a person." 

"I had a dream. I'm telling you we have to look fro the thing we need." 

"Oh," Nat said. "What should we-" She stopped and looked around. She must've seen something, because she finally got up. 

"Nat, don't move." I said. I could sense something was going to happen, and if my senses were wrong, it would be bad to move to an unknown place alone, especially in the ghost's territory. 

"Why not?" 

"Tell us where you're going, and then look out for something. Something's coming. I can feel it." 

"I see some colour, I think it's the thing we need." 

"Be careful and have your wand ready. Kendra, are you ready too?" 


"What's your wand called?" 

"Icarum, which means-" 

"Shield. I use that spell all the time. That must suck to have that on your wand." 

"Yeah, but that's okay." She paused. "I just remembered that you can only bring two people to life every ten to twenty years. I'm sorry. I wouldn't have let you bring me to life if I knew that was how it went. I'm so sorry." She looked genuinely sorry, and sad. 

"It's alright, no problem." I looked at Nat, she was almost at the grave that the colourful item was by. I saw it now. The item was a green thing. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was probably the only colour in the city. 

"How could people not notice that?" I was still staring at Nat, something was coming and fast. 

"Well you have to be a magician or associated with magic to see it." 

"I knew that, but haven't other magicians tried this mission?" 

"Yes, but they've never passed the first clue, the Pharaoh head." 

"How do you know that that's the first clue?" We were talking very quickly now. 

"My aunt and uncle tired that mission. Only my aunt came back, she stopped from grief. She swore never to use magic again, after it killed her husband." 

"I'm sorry!

"That's okay." Nat grabbed the green thing and started coming back. Then she was surrounded.

"You thought this clue would be this easy? We wouldn't leave a clue unguarded especially in our territory."

"How did you get here?" Kendra asked. Since she had been guarding the graveyard, I assumed no ghosts would come. 

"You came back to life. There was no protection on the graveyard so we came as fast as we could." 

"Ethan, please don't do this!" Kendra pleaded to Ethan-wait how did she know him? 

"Kendra, you know him?" 

"Yes, unfortunately. I used to know him and we used to be friends. Then he turned to the wrong side and was killed fighting my aunt and uncle." 

"Oh, you can't mess with my friends." I said. I wouldn't let Kendra die again, and I wouldn't let her see anyone else that she cared about on our side die. "AMNA!" Destroy, I yelled. He had brought two buddies with him, but they were killed. He just managed to put a shield around him. 

"You really think you could kill us so easily?" Ethan asked. 

"Yes, you are rather easy to kill." I responded. That's when Nat stuck. Ethan had turned to me and  Kendra since we were doing the talking. 

"Suncana." Blast, Nat said quietly. It was too late for Ethan, or so I thought. He spun around and faced Nat. 

"I can't be killed with that spell you know. That's the one spell that can't kill ghosts. You should've known that by now. You want to know magic, come to our side and we can help you learn all the secrets. You could expand your magic horizons. You could be my queen and together, we could rule the ghosts." 

"Isn't Brooke in charge?" Nat asked. 

"Yes, but we could change that. Two powerful magician ghosts could easily overpower her!" 

"I would never be your queen. Just saying. I would never  join your side, ever! I'll learn more than you will on that side. Come to our side and you will be given great rewards. If not, then you'll be more dead."

"I swore my allegiance to Brooke, and Kagi. I will not turn back now. I would be given eternal punishment for joining you." 

"AMNA!" Destroy, Kendra yelled.

"No!" He screamed in terror. Then his face hardened.

"NAT LOOK OUT!"  I screamed, but it was too late. Ethan grabbed Nat and as he sunk into the Earth, so did she. Nat was gone.  

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