Chapter 16

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“Wake up, Candace Brown. You are not ready to die, not yet.” A familiar voice said. It was the voice that had told Nat and I to go to Cairo for our mission.

I opened my eyes and I saw…nothing. I looked around to see if I could see anything, and I thought I had gone blind. Everything was black, as if I was in a pitch dark room without any windows.

“Where am I?” I asked. I had to make sure I wasn’t blind. I needed my sight if I could continue this mission.

“You are between meeting Death or reunite with Life. The Epnicar almost killed you, but like I said you are not ready to die just yet.”

“Death and Life are people? What do you mean not ready to die just yet?”

“No, not people. They are like me. We are the core of what happens. They control the flow of life and death, and I control the magic. As for not ready to die just yet, you’re time is not here, but it will come. Everyone must die, no one can live forever.”

“So, if I’m not dead, is Chad okay?” I had hope. As bad as a start I had gotten off to with Chad, I didn’t want to see him die. I didn’t want his death to be my fault.

“No, that was his time that was his destiny. Your destiny is to die something else. You may have think Chad died for nothing, but Epnicar’s are very hard to kill. He needed to be the one to die. It was fate. You will understand one day.”

“What is an Epnicar?”

“It is the deadliest monster in the world, in our world, the human world, and the land beyond that. You must go now. I cannot keep you long; you need to return to your friends. We will meet again, but next time it may be for a different death.”

“Wait, please I have so many questions.” I really did. Questions were flying through my mind, as I tried to understand all that was happening.

I slowly drifted away and soon saw blue sky.

I woke up staring at the sky and saw that Nat and Brent were leaning over me. Nat had tears streaming down her face and she had her ‘worried’ expression on.

I decided to sit up to cheer Nat up and came very close to hitting my head with Brent, who had very slow reflexes.

“Candace! You’re alive! How are you alive? You were dead! You weren’t breathing!” Nat asked in amazement.

“Sorry, you can’t get away from me that easily. I can’t die yet; I need to bug you more.” Nat gave me a weak smile.

“Is Chad okay?” Brent asked me, which made me sigh.

“Brent, do you honestly think that I would know better than you? I was laying here because I was strangled and half dead. I don’t think that I would know better than you.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know if you knew. You came back, so I kind of assumed that maybe Chad came back too.”

I decided to ignore that, so Brent could use common sense and I didn’t want to admit out loud that Chad was dead. “How did you kill it anyways?”

“Well I eventually realized that the ‘happy’ spells were only making the monster-” Nat started, but I cut her off.

“The Epnicar.”

“The what?” Nat gave me a confused look.

“The monster is called the Epnicar.”

“Um, okay? Sorry I’m not really that familiar with the monster’s names. Anyways, I finally used an....‘unhappy’ spell. It must’ve been powerful enough to kill him. I’m not really sure how that worked, because at first the ‘happy’ spells were killing him, but then he got bigger and stronger because of them, and then the ‘unhappy’ spells ended up killing him. It’s very confusing!”

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