Chapter 25

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I woke up to Maddie nudging my shoulder. "Hi Maddie, time to get up already?" 

Maddie nodded. So we took down camp and went to get a taxi. Maddie wasn't pleased to be a purse, but the taxi driver didn't really seem to notice. If he did hear all the fussing, he didn't care. I told Nat my dream.

"Well it's almost dark, so we can climb the Sphinx I guess." Nat said.

"Yeah, we can't use the invisibility spell can we?" I asked.

"No, you have to concentrate on it, and we don't want to fall."

"Okay, so we'll have to hope that they don't see or find us."

"Yes, hope lots!" We got to the Sphinx pretty quickly and ran to it as fast as possible.

"Maddie, can you help us up?" I asked. Maddie nodded so we hopped on her back. We went up. I figured it'd be easier if Maddie just carried us up, I know we could've used magic, but I had a feeling we'd need it. After about 10 minutes of going up, we got to the head of the Sphinx. Apparently Nat and I were really heavy. "Good job, Maddie!" I patted Maddie on the head, but she was already sleeping. 

"Candace, what do we do?" Nat asked. 

"Look for B and B to make sure we don't see them." You can probably guess who B and B were. 

Luckily we didn't see them, but they could've been standing behind a pyramid, or even right under us. "Now, we start digging." 

"We what?" Nat asked shocked. "Candace, this isn't a sandbox! This has been here for thousands of years! It's super hard, we can't dig it! It's a national monument. What would we dig with? Our footprints didn't even make dents or marks! There's no way we could dig!" 

"True," I said, "The thing's right around here. I can feel it!" 

"So can I. Wait, Candace there it is!" Nat pointed to the nose of the Sphinx. On it was something that seemed to be glowing. 

"How can people not notice that?" I wondered out loud. 

"I don't know! Maybe to only magicians it glows." 

"Probably, we seem to have really good sight and hearing! So, who's going to get the thing?" I asked. 

"I will." Nat volunteered. I didn't object, because I didn't really feel like visiting the hospital again. Nat slowly walked over to the nose. She wobbled a couple of times, and I was sure she was going to fall. Thankfully she didn't. She finally made it over to the object, grabbed it, and started walking back. 

About twenty minutes after she had left, she came back. "What is it?" I asked. 

"It looks like a mini crown." 

"It's like the Pharaoh head, try opening it." Sure enough it clicked open. Just then the wind blew and it seemed to get colder. 

"Close the crown and put it into your pocket!" I said. Something dark was coming, something dark and evil. 

"Hello Candace Brown and Natalie Genstine. I told you we'd meet again!" 

I recognized the voice immediately. "What do you want Romo?" I demanded. 

"You dead, what else?" He asked. 

"I don't know, maybe you could apologize or join our side." Nat said sarcastically. 

"That'll  never happen. Since Brooke can't seem to find you, I have to do the work. My masters demand that I use your souls to rise up our allies." 

"The ghosts right?" 

"Yes, no I can't let you continue on this mission, can I?" 

"Well you could." I said, trying to get inside his head. I wasn't worried that we'd get hurt, but it would be easier for me if we didn't have to fight. 

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