Chapter 7

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“So you guys really are magicians.” Brooke sounded like she was in shock. “I never would’ve guessed.”

“Neither would we have, but here we are I guess.”

Brooke reached out into the middle of the air and suddenly she was holding her wand. My eyes widened as I started at her. “How did you do that?”

“It’s a simple spell, after doing a few spells your wand just automatically goes away and floats by you. It never hits anyone and you can grab it whenever you want. It will always be there, even when you’re sleeping.”

“How do you get it there?” I asked. That spell was really cool, and was definitely one of the best spells there could possibly be.

“It’s really simple. All you say is virga evanescunt and then your wand will be like this. It’s really handy.”

“Virga Evanescunt,” Wand disappear I said, and sure enough my wand was gone. I grabbed into the air and sure enough I was holding my wand. I saw that Nat had done the same thing. “And how exactly do you put it back?”

“Just let go of it and it will go in the air again.” I did it and I must’ve looked really amazed, because Brooke laughed. “You’re in the magical world. It’s no big deal, that’s one of the easiest spells ever.”

“Well I’ve only known about magic for like an hour or two, so sorry about that, but I think that is the coolest thing ever!”

I looked at Brooke’s wand. Her wand was pure white, white as freshly fallen snow. It was a pretty plain wand. It was a bit wider at the bottom, where she held it and her tip was very thin. I saw the word Finis, End, on it.

I grabbed my wand out of the air again and compared it to Brooke’s. Nat decided to do the same, and suddenly the words on our wands lit up. Brooke looked really scared for a second, but then recovered.

“Wow, so you are the ones. You’re going to do it.”

I gave Brooke a confused look. “Do what?”

“Nothing, you can’t know yet. Once it’s time you will know.” I saw Brooke’s scared look again, but she once again recovered.

“Maybe we need a few more wands and then together our magic could create a spell that could kill all the monsters and sorcerers. We could be the most powerful magicians of our time.” Nat said. I was impressed, it definitely made sense. Brooke seemed to be pretty powerful and together the three of us could do some pretty powerful magic, and adding more magicians would just make our spells even more powerful.

“You already are.” I thought I heard Brooke mumble.


“Nothing, Natalie that’s a good guess.”

“Maybe when Brent gets his wand, he’ll make us even more powerful.” I suggested as I remembered Brent was still there.

“He hasn’t gotten his wand yet?” Brooke sounded surprised. “How did you two get yours then?”

“No he hasn’t gotten his wand.” Brent broke in. “These two said they said some spell that they couldn’t remember and then they suddenly had wands.” Brooke glared at me as if she couldn’t believe I would trick my brother. She obviously had no siblings.

“Well the word is Baculum, which means wand. You’ll get your wand as soon as you say that. I’m not sure how Candace and Natalie forgot the word though, because magicians never forget spells. They’re always in your mind.”

“Oh really?” I asked pretending I hadn’t known the word. “The word must’ve just slipped my mind. That doesn’t sound familiar at all!”

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