Chapter 9

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“Candace, how long do you think this sleeping spell is going to last?” Nat asked. She sounded bored and I couldn’t blame her, I was bored too. We had been driving for about half an hour and we couldn’t decide if we should stop and stay in a hotel for the night, or just go to the airport.

“I have no idea. I don’t think very much longer. I hope not, because we’re getting closer to the airport and we have to make a decision before we park the car, or we can stay in a hotel and we need to find one.”

“Where are we going?” I heard a groggy Brooke asked. She sounded really tired, but otherwise alright. 

“I think we’re going to the airport. I think we could sleep there if we have to. We need to get started on this mission, and we need to fly to Egypt.” I figured I could trust them with the country that we needed to fly with, but I didn’t want to tell them everything that had happened with Magic.

“We’re going to Egypt? How did I not know this? How come I was sleeping?” She paused and then gasped. “You didn’t put the forget spell on us did you, and then put us to sleep?” I was impressed. Brooke had seen right through our plan. I didn’t think she would even consider the fact that she had a forget spell on her, but I guess she had been doing magic for a long time.

“Yeah, we’re going to Egypt, and you and Brent just fell asleep. It’s not my fault you guys were super tired.” I didn’t answer the rest of the question, hoping that Brooke would just forget I asked, but I was unfortunately wrong.

“Candace, did you put the forget spell on us? If you did, you’re violating the magical law. It clearly states that you must not use magic, unless you absolutely have to! You can’t take magic for granted, Candace.” Of course it was all my fault, and it was like Nat hadn’t done anything.

“I don’t know the magical laws! I didn’t even know about magic this morning! I have no idea what’s right and what’s wrong. Besides that’s a dumb rule! You have magic; you might as well use it!” I exclaimed. I didn’t like the magical laws. They seemed to permit you from doing anything.

“So you did put the forget spell on us?” Brooke demanded.

“I didn’t say that. Just a question, but can I ever lose my powers?”

“No why?”

“Well then I don’t need to worry about taking my powers for granted. If I am never going to lose them, then I can use them whenever I want.”

“Candace, you have to learn to deal with real life situations without relying on magic. Believe me, after a few years of magic, you’re going to want a way to be normal. Relying on magic will make it so much harder for you to do normal things.”

“I don’t care.”

“So you did use magic on me and Brent then?” Brooke wouldn’t give up would she?

“I still didn’t say that.”

“Why can’t you just say yes or no? It’s that simple!” I could hear anger in her voice. “Candace why are you so stubborn? You can’t just say yes or no, two simple words! All you have to say is yes,” She paused. “Or no.” She had said it so slow, and it made me seem like a dumb person.

“I am sick of your attitude! Why do you always have to butt into these situations? You’re not the leader of the mission and you are not the most powerful out of the four of us! You may know the most, but that doesn’t put you in charge!”

“So that is what this is about? Not being the leader? Not being the person in the spotlight who everyone adores?” That was it. She had crossed the line. I moved over to the outside lane and pulled the car over. I unbuckled my seat belt and turned around. I stepped into the back seat even though there wasn’t much room between Brooke and the sleeping Brent. I got right up to Brooke and glared at her even though she probably couldn’t see me.

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