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"I have never got a love bite that wasn't on my neck" said Nadine. The five of them downed a shot before Sarah filled up all the glasses again.

"Even Little Miss Innocent over there?" grinned Sarah, looking at Kimberley. She blushed.

"She's still got one hidden" the Geordie giggled, reaching her hand out and stroking her breast with one finger where the love bite was hidden, Kimberley blushed even more.

"It's your fault" she mumbled in reply.

"Oookay, next!" Nadine smiled, trying to change the conversation.

"Cheryl, your go" the redhead said. Cheryl thought for a while, wondering if she should ask a question she would have to have a drink to or not.

"I have never used sex toys with my partner" she said before watching Sarah down a shot. Sarah, Nadine and Nicola all looked at Cheryl and Kimberley expecting them to drink but they never.

"That doesn't make sense" said Nicola with a frown. "Never even tried?" she asked. They couple shook their heads.

"Blimey. You don't know what you're missing" replied Sarah with a cheeky wink.

"We just don't need anything" Kimberley said with a shrug. "We have our ways" she continued.

"You're mad. Anyway, it's your turn now" Sarah said, looking at Kimberley. The slightly younger of the two looked around for a moment then looked at Cheryl and smirked.

"I have never masturbated in front of my partner" she added, trying not to laugh at the look on Cheryl's face.

"Kimba!" she gasped in shock. She narrowed her eyes at her then reached unsteadily for a shot and downed it, Nadine did also.

"Oooh Kimberley's going to be in trouble later" laughed Sarah before looking at Nadine, surprised.

"What? It's a turn on for some people... Kimberley obviously understands" the Irish woman replied to her questioning stare.

"Ha" replied Cheryl, kissing Kimberley on the cheek which was red from her blushing. "Aaw baby, anything for you" she said, wiggling her eyebrows. Kimberley put her hand on Cheryl's thigh before turning her attention back to Sarah, as it was her go.

"This one will be interesting... I have never had sex in public" she said. Sarah, Nadine and Cheryl all had a drink. The Geordie sat back and looked at Kimberley uneasily.

"It's okay you know, I'm not the only partner you've ever had" her girlfriend smiled and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "We'll just have to do it together sometime" she whispered into her ear. Cheryl shuddered slightly and turned around to kiss her on the lips.

"Woah, guys" said Sarah as she saw Cheryl's hand moving up Kimberley's thigh and under her dress.

"Sorry" she slurred when she pulled back. "I feel a bit... tipsy" she added. Kimberley poked her on the shoulder and Cheryl fell on her side, they all laughed.

"Who wants a dance?" asked Nicola, standing up and wobbling over to Sarah's music system.

"I don't think I'll even be able to stand up" Kimberley laughed, attempting to stand up. She got up and fell back down. "Nope, it's no use" she said before Cheryl rolled over slightly so she was straddling the older girl.

"I can give you a dance if you like" she said quietly before biting gently on the skin below her ear.

"I'd really love that but we have company" she replied before trying to lift Cheryl off her, she didn't need to try hard as Cheryl could barely balance herself and fell off her.

"Sarah!" said Nadine. "You have Girls Aloud music on your iPod?" she asked, struggling to see one of Sarah with her double vision.

"Of course!" she grinned as she watched Nicola start dancing to one of their songs. They all looked at her and thought Sarah had definitely taught her well.

"We're untouchable, woo!" the redhead sang out of tune to their last single before Sarah joined her and started dancing with her.

"I think we might pop up to bed soon" said Cheryl over the music.

"Aaw but the party has just started!" moaned Sarah.

"It's two a.m!" Cheryl said while looking at the clock. At least she thought it was that time.

"Fineee but I'm sure we'll still be here if you fancy coming back down" she grinned, holding onto Nicola's hands and dancing more. She watched Cheryl pull Kimberley up and they helped each other to the bottom of the stairs.

"No funny business" Sarah shouted once they were out of sight.

"Who does she take us for?" Kimberley giggled while crawling up the stairs in front of Cheryl. The Geordie lifted a hand and hit her on the behind. "Cheryl!" she screeched, she was sure the three left in the living room heard her.

"Which room are we in?" Cheryl asked when they reached the top and stood up.

"That one" Kimberley pointed to the room on the end. They both walked over to it and went in, closing the door behind them.

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